Press Pass to events

What are the qualification/standard a company needs to have to be accredited for a general press pass. I am a videographer and would like to be able to go into events/debates/openings..etc to shoot footages for publishing purposes. I researched online but could not find very helpful info, a lot of the websites offered press passes, but they all seemed like a scam to me. If anyone can provide any sort of info I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Events has press pass applications. The info is usually on the website. Qualifications are, you must be a member of the press, and you must have a letter from the editor assigning you to the event.
It must be a real outlet wanting to cover the event, and the editor must request it for you. All events get requests from "guys with cameras", and turn them down.

In terms of the company, it needs to be a legitimate company, something with a track record. All events get requests from fly-by-night companies which are a cover for people wanting free tickets, and turn them down.
Very few freelancers get press passes. The ones that do have
established contacts with news outlets - the rest must shoot from
the sidelines. Paparazzi and even the free lance companies like
"On Scene" all shoot form the sidelines.

Do you have your own website where you want to use the interviews?
Do you want to shoot and sell?
Are you asking how to get your established company accredited?
The few times I have had press passes, all I had to do was give my client my name and whoever else was going.

This might be something you can(or have to) put on your client.
After rereading his post, he is asking if there is a universal press pass. Nope. Does not exist. Whatever you do don't buy what you saw on the Internet. Each event has their own press passes. You can't just flash a press button and get in, like on The Three Stooges ;)