Permits at a state park

So I was filming at Pinchot Park in Pennsylvania for my show I'm making. What we filmed was a kayak race, a bike race, and then two cars driving in a completely safe manner. I was stopped by a park ranger of the DCNR and she said we needed permits to film. I said that we were not a professional film crew, we have no intentions of publishing our movie for profit, and that we are no different than the parents filming their kids playing on the playground. We argued for awhile and she left and said if she catches us filming she would cite us. Well we filmed anyway, and I called monday to ask the park manager and he confirmed that we didn't need filming permits for something like that. Can anyone shed some light on when you do and don't need permits for filming? Our equipment btw was 2 go pro's, several point and shoot digital camera, and iphones.
As you already discovered, even the park rangers in a specific
location do not know all the regulations. Each State has its
own regulations and each city has its own. Different parks in
different cities will have different regulations.

My long way of saying no one can help you with generalities.
And rarely does the equipment you are using have any bearing
on if you need a permit or not. You should have called first and
gotten a name so when an uninformed ranger stopped you you
could have given a name and number. For future shoots contact
the Pennsylvania Film Office. Look at their website for more
regional information.