Off to a great festival start

Well, I had to post a bit of a brag thread.

I started the festival submissions on my new film a little over a month ago. The first festival notification date was a festival near me in Paducah Kentucky called River's Edge (this is their 6th year). I got the Accepted email last week. The second notification I was looking for was from a first year festival in DC called "The REEl Independent Film Festival and Extravaganza", I got the "Accepted" about an hour ago. Now neither of these are top tier (or hell probably even mid tier) festivals, but to start off two for two is pretty amazing. I'm sure I have a lot of "rejected" coming. I did enter several mid tier and top tier festivals, but getting these acceptances so early on ought to lessen that sting a bit.
Congrats. I'm a glass is half full kinda guy and these "little" successes are still just successes.

This is great news and you should be happy no matter what that your movie is playing at festivals.
Thanks guys, TRYING to not get TOO optimistic. I am still at the "all I see are the flaws" stage, but it is a huge validation that "well hell, I guess it doesn't totally suck".

I think you're right ROC, and believe me I am with you guys on the "sound is half the movie" train. I live it, I preach it, I try and make other beginning filmmakera appreciate it.
Another little self congratulatory bump, unless the festival director is just trying to make me feel good, I finished top 5 in the "audience choice" voting at the DC festival this past weekend (out of 48 films). Not a "win", but another good sign that the film isn't a complete hunk of crap.
Well, 3 for 4. The only no so far (but not the last I am sure) being Slamdance.

This is a pretty established festival just outside Vegas.

Whoo hoo! I just got my first festival invite!
Not sure how they heard about the film, or got my email address, but a con called "Renovation: The 69th World Science Fiction Convention" in Reno Nevada has aked if they can screen The Island.
A bump for the news I got first runner up in the Sci Fi Horror category at Dam Short 2011. That's by audience vote. My film screened in a block on the first night, a Wednesday, when the theatre was only maybe 1/4 full. That means virtually everyone watching that block must have voted for me. Second place is second place, but there where probably 25 films in the horror/sci fi category, so I'm pretty proud of it.

The extra bonus is I just got my acceptance email from International Horror and Sci Fi Film Festival that's part of the Pheoenix Film Festival in April as well, so still plowing ahead.