Obscure question Need Help!!!

So I'm beginning planning for a small short film project and have a question that I'm not sure can be solved.

I'm trying to move something (hot wheels car) on camera throughout most of the video, without being seen moving the object. Is there some sort of way to do this, or make it appear as if it is moving on its own without seeing that I or something is moving it? (Maybe a stupid question but I'm quite the beginner).

If anyone has an idea, or answer or anything please reply, I appreciate any assistance!
Move the background.

I assume you're using it as a model? You could either stop motion it, or move the background rather than the car itself (assuming you don't see the wheels). Or green screen it.
right, not an obscure question at all.. break down what it is you want to do.

Sometimes its best if you have an example. Find a clip on youtube that does some thing similar...
not the visual effect but what you think it should look like when done!
You might try rolling it across a thin, fake "floor" using a strong magnet from beneath the floor. If the car is steel, the magnet beneath might be enough; if the car is plastic or aluminum, see if you can glue some steel into the car or another magnet. My fear is that even if this idea were to work, would the motion be smooth enough for what you need or can edit around?....

Good luck!
A lot of it will depend upon how you do your camerawork.

Best bets are very practical "Doh!" sort of solutions.

- Back up and zoom in on the car to cut off some part just off screen.
- Just off screen are super glued threads, stiff wires, or some poking/pushing/pulling tool which provide movement to the car(s).
- Speaking of which, you probably should acquire several identical car models to attach different tools to, saving one for the "glamour" close-up shots, and another for free placement/movement.

Also, don't forget that the entire project may just be sensibly/technically unfeasible at the current allocated budget.
Move onto a different idea. This one might not be worth the hassle. ;)