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Night Lighting Test

Night lighting test from last night.


Not quite what I want.. need the back light further in the back..

Setup: 2k off screen right trying to get side\back
500W (dimmed to almost off left of camera fill)
500w detail to the left of frame
I think a dash more light on the background could let you show more detail back there. Adding a blue gel to that would allow you to chroma matte the foreground (warm colors) and the background and adjust them separately in your CC... or with your background on a dimmer, set your exposure for the foreground to look the way you want it to, then dial the background up until there are a few more hints of it in the background.
Hey Wheatgrinder, I've been working on this myself.

I would move the flood behind you out of the shot. It's competing with your image.

Also, since there's a window in the background, I would turn a light on outside, it would give the shot some nice depth and make it more interesting.
that flood is a practical (its my porch light) I was using it as motivation for the 2k to camera right. But I see your point. If it was a low wattage fixture, and not just a bare bulb it would look better. If I move the subject to be in front of it that would look better too.

Do you mean light up the INSIDE of the room where the window is?
you can go to walmart and get a socket dimmer for that practical :) couple of bucks and you can wrangle that light into submission. It's also much more prominent than the rest of the background, which would be alleviated a bit by having a little more light on the background as the two together would lower the overall contrast of the background.