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New Trailer for my feature film!

I was really confused at the beginning as to whether this was supposed to be like a Cloverfield-camera-technique-type movie but the trailer got better towards the end. I watched the whole thing and got more interested as the trailer went on. The audio was all over the place though, which for me, was really distracting. I think the story sounds really interesting so I may watch it if the audio were to get some extra attention.
I did the audio on purpose. Yeah, it's a "Cloverfield-camera-technique-type" film.
I just didn't want to make it TOO obvious. I was going for a "messy madness" in which the video does things in which it normally doesn't.
It's not a horror or monster movie like most home-video movies.
I read the comments here and it said "Cloverfield" so I thought the trailer would be an alien/monster movie. I kept waiting for the alien/monster in the trailer.
