New to This... Help Anyone?

So before I jump in here yelling "Hey, what camera should I get?" I'm going to fill everyone in on where I stand right now. I have currently written up a script, based in more of an urban city-scape which would require no more than $10,000 (beyond obvious camera and equipment purchases). I have access to virtually every shooting location I would need for virtually $0. Did I mention I am trying to shoot a full feature? ;) ha ha I'm sure I'll catch a few shots for that lol. So with that being said, I am looking for a good camera that will shoot in 24p with 3ccd's that is compatible with the M2 adapter. I have looked into HVX's and the XL2 cameras, along with the comparable competitors... I have observed footage from each, and the quality is superb, and seeing as $5000-$6000 is the price range I'm looking at, I thought I'd ask some veterans of the industry their thoughts on the cameras... I am far from a pro in film. I have not been to school for it, and my knowledge is based on a few hundred hours of online research and some basic "practice shooting" top-level consumer cameras. I know alot of you are thinking "Why the hell would he jump straight into a feature?". Well, basically I've been dreaming and conjuring scene ideas with my imagination for this film for the last 2 years, and my heart is into this script... I plan on purchasing this camera and spending a year shooting "practice scenes" from the film, and getting friendly with it before I completely delve into actually production. I am also a musician and learned Pro Tools and sound engineering myself, which I have mastered beyond the level of 90% of people with jobs and degrees in the field... so I can say the audio, both on-set and post will be covered. I just want this story filmed, and have spent every extra minute of my time gathering people who plan on assisting me with this task. I watched City of God/Men and loved the "raw yet cinema look" which is why I asked if anyone knew how and what that was done with... So finally... if anyone has any honest and good advice, It would be very much appreciated, and I will listen very carefully to the opinions given. Thank you :)
and seeing as $5000-$6000 is the price range I'm looking at, I thought I'd ask some veterans of the industry their thoughts on the cameras...

In that range I suggest the amazing JVC HD110. It's the camera I own
after test driving just about every camera made.