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watch New Movie Trailer - Feedback Welcome


Below is a link to my movie trailer entitled 'Sloane'. I welcome all suggestions and comments, and also would like to know how can I really market my film online. Does anyone know of any social media sites I should post the trailer on besides Facebook, twitter, & Instagram? How can I get more views? Any suggestions on film festivals?

This thriller/suspense film is about 30 mins long. Thank you!

J Lane

I liked - The cinematography, color correction. It looks solid and professional.
I'd improve - The sound sync. In the beginning of the trailer, it looks like the sound is out of sync with the lips moving. I'm not sure if that is on your end in your editing, or on youtube's. I know some renders have given people trouble with sound sync issues, but seeing that right off the bat, you might have an uphill battle to get an audience to give you the benefit of the doubt.

The film looks pretty interesting, but I'd like to see more of the story in the trailer. I read the description, but didn't get that at all from the trailer. (I'm saying this, but I totally haven't been able to make a trailer that explains the story for my feature yet either so I'm not there yet, too :)

If you haven't checked out withoutabox.com yet, that's the only film festival submission source that I've had any luck with.

Good Luck!