Need a storyboard artist?

There's plenty of tools out there to help with storyboarding, but nothing beats a professional artist to help visualize your idea.

To make it easier to find these guys I've made a free list featuring both old pro's and fresh talent.
Here's a sample profile featuring Jim Cornish (Batman, Harry Potter, James Bond)

The list, as you'll see:

- is free to use
- features an Availability Status that the artists control themselves
- allows for easier browsing of the art than any other list

Hope you'll find it useful!
And feel free to suggest artists you think deserve to be recognized!
put your free advertising money where your mouth is. IndieTalk is running a global film project, why dont you pay one of your artists to do boards for the project. Its only a 12 page script. Do that, and your legit in my book..