top-list My top 100 films ranked

Wow. Impressive. I'd do one of these, but I think my list would cause a price to be put on my head (there are too many classics that I haven't seen).

Three of my top five aren't even on your list!
I put together the list fairly quickly. It will likely change soon in the future.
i'm only half done with Eric Von Stroheim's "Greed".

What are your top five?
I put together the list fairly quickly. It will likely change soon in the future.
i'm only half done with Eric Von Stroheim's "Greed".

What are your top five?

1. Avatar
2. The Matrix
3. Forrest Gump
4. Shawshank Redemption
5. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

As you can see, I'm more of a popcorn-flick kinda guy. You know, I just might have to put together a top-100, even if it's seriously lacking in classics.
Really good list in general. (edit - @ truestar)

My top five; 12 Angry Men, Rear Window, Seven Samurai, To Kill A Mockingbird, Big Lebowski
Indiana Jones has got to be on any good Top 100 list. It's the quintessential popcorn movie and a masterpiece at that.

TrueStar- That's a long list with a lot of classic films. I don't get much of a sense of identity coming through from them (apart from the abnormally high rating for Synecdoche New York :P ). What makes a good movie for you and why did you select your top 10 as you did?
do it man. To be honest with you, I didn't even want "The Godfather", or "The Godfather 2 on my list.
I just gave in and added one.

I recommend you watch some old foreign classics.
Make sure you watch my top ten, and put Fellini films at the top of your list.

I had to add Shawshank and Forrest Gump, since they were my favorites as a kid.
I've haven't seen any Indiana Jones movies, or much Spielberg at all (I know, right?)

Avatar is an awesome film. Cameron is a genius. I feel the story could of been stronger, but it was by far the best american movie of the year last year.

The Matrix is a great movie as well.... Have you seen any old sci-fi movies?

What about Fritz Lang movies?
"Metropolis" will change your moviemaking perspective forever....
"Metropolis" is sweet.

Although "Avatar" is my favorite movie, Spielberg is still tops for me. Before trying to put together a top-100, let me first rank Spielberg's movies.

This is gonna take me a minute. BRB.
My Top 5 Spielberg Movies:

1.) Jaws
2.) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
3.) Jurassic Park
4.) Minority Report
5.) E.T.

Underrated Spielberg: Catch Me If You Can, The Terminal and War of the Worlds.
Indiana Jones has got to be on any good Top 100 list. It's the quintessential popcorn movie and a masterpiece at that.

TrueStar- That's a long list with a lot of classic films. I don't get much of a sense of identity coming through from them (apart from the abnormally high rating for Synecdoche New York :P ). What makes a good movie for you and why did you select your top 10 as you did?

My idea of a great film is one has a strong, intense story about the human condition.
It doesn't have to be made the best, the story is always the most important part.
The films that stand out to me are the ones that literally move my soul.
I feel that by watching these films, the souls of the great filmmakers will help me shape my own stories and movies. Not only that, but they will help me be a better person and better understand the meaning of life.
it's all about passion.... a movie without passion is garbage! I don't care who makes it.....

When a film gives me the chills, I know it's one of the greatest ever made....

Synecdoche, New York is a brilliant film. I am too plagued by all the questions Caden Cotard asks himself during the movie. It's about a man afraid to accept his inevitable fate in life. He's afraid to love because he fears everything. He's constantly worried all the time about death, that it takes him away from the simple, beautiful things in life. It's a film about the meaning of life.....

I firmly believe it's the best film of the decade. It reminds me much of 8 1/2.....
"None of us has much time"
Spielberg is great, but don't forget, he thinks of four movies before making any movie.
1.)Lawrence of Arabia
2.)It's a Wonderful Life
3.)The Searchers
4.)Seven Samurai

My top 3 spielberg
1.)Schindlers list
3.)Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Here's how I rank them (see note at bottom):

1 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
2 Jurassic Park
3 Saving Private Ryan
4 Raiders of the Lost Ark
5 Amistad
6 Schindler's List
7 E.T.
8 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
9 Catch Me if You Can
10 The Terminal
11 Minority Report
12 Munich
13 Hook
14 Artificial Intelligence
15 Lost World
16 Indiana Jones and the Communist Space Aliens
17 War of the Worlds

Note: It's been too long since I've seen them, and/or I was too young to appreciate them, so I can't really comment on "Jaws", "Empire of the Sun", "The Color Purple", and "Close Encounters". Also, I've never seen "1941", "Sugarland Express" or "Always". I think I need to update my queue (except, I'm in a Western-watching-spree, at the moment).
i'm trying to knock out all of wilder, bunuel, and cassavetes films before spielberg, but I could just mix them all in I suppose
My next feature is gonna be a Western, so I'm on a Western-watching spree. "Magnificent Seven" is first up. Then, I guess I'll compare it to it's source material, "Seven Samurai".