My First Feature!

Hello everyone,

I am just posting this here, coz I wanna share my enthusiasm for shooting my first film, a full length feature, that will be done only for festivals and critics screening.

The shoot will begin in March 2011 and end by December 2011.

Just wanted to share it. Nothing special!!!

Cheers to indie film making!!

Charukesh Shekar
no it isn't! there is nothing called under the wraps! coz this is a completely experimental film!!
I jus want to experiment with a particular kinda treatment so I have built this story around that treatment!!
That is a long shoot, but the best part is that it is a zero-budget film!!
And the crew consists of just three people. But all of us believe we have a strong story to back it all up! So kinda moving ahead with confidence!
That's about it!