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watch My 2011 Straight8 film, TRAPPED, shot on Kodak Tri-X Reversal

In February I shot a Straight8 short film with the amazing Nikon R10. It was the very first Super8 work I tackled. Because our second shot was messed up, we ditched the 500t cartridge we had and started over with the only other film stock in the house, a 160t Tri-X reversal. Not knowing if it would be okay at low light NYC subway settings we were praying the entire time. Amazingly enough, it was more than up to the task.

While it was difficult to shoot, the shoot was a massive learning experience. The film, TRAPPED, was shown at the Rushes Soho Short Film festival in London July 26th.

Unfortunately, the experience with Straight8 since that time has not been positive. I do not have my film rolls back from the two Straight8 shorts I submitted, nor do I have the DVD's I paid for. This transfer was downloaded from their server after much complaining.

As of the writing of this post, I am STILL waiting for my materials to be returned to me and am hoping that the Straight8 people are yanking my chain. It is highly likely that one of the two films is lost forever, as the package with the roll of film was never delivered. I will explain why another time.

Anyway, watch and feel free to comment, as long as it is constructive. B)


P.S. Credits were added to the end of this transfer to give credit where credit is due.