Modern Success Stories?

I have had some trouble finding a modern success story about a truely indepdent filmmaker that makes a film for very little money with no studio support that actually makes it to a studio release and a career in film. I've read about the obvious ones, Robert Rodriguez, Spike Lee, etc. Who all made films on super 8 film in the 70s or 80s.

But this is now, and now anyone can create a good looking film with the proper artistic skill and a decent minidv camera that surpases in quality anything that they did in the 70s, visually. The script is in the end what makes the film but there are many talented writers and i have seen several well written short films.

What modern indie filmmakers have been noticed by studios and moved on to direct a big budget film? By modern i mean for example in the last 5 years or so. Hollywood has changed since the times of these independent successes and alot of the books and sites are written by people who tell you how to be successfull even though they have not been. Thanks.
You must be forgetting the Napoleon Dynamite folks.. that started as a short film. The writer/director Jared Hess has since written and directed Nacho Libre, and Gentlemen Broncos which is supposed to be out next year.

The Wilson brothers (Owen & Luke) have come a long way since the short (which became a feature) "Bottle Rocket" in the mid & late nineties..