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watch Ménage à Trois Filmed on Sony F55

Hey guys!

This is my summer project based off of Wolfgang Gartner's song Ménage à Trois.
The story follows three flamboyant guys who think that catching a "wanted" blonde woman for big cash will be easy money. They set off super confident searching for blonde women until their pelvic thrusting adventure ends in a bloody mess.



Director: Garrett Larreau
Assistant Director: Jin Ryu
Director of Photography: Alan Green

Stan - Eddy Morales
Freddy - Drew Pierce
Neil - Garrett Larreau

Girl #1 - Laura Welsh
Girl #2 - Lauren Fylan

Girlfriend - Carly Kingston
Boyfriend - Royce Reid

Jenna (Wanted Woman) - Carly Johnson
Guard #1 - Max Faber
Guard #2 - Konrad McKane
Guard #3 - Anthony Nelson

This video was a passion project that was inspired by the first time I heard the song "Menage a Trois" by Wolfgang Gartner. We're not trying to make money off of Wolfgang's song, we just wanted to share the vision. All rights belong to him and his label.
I gotta say I really liked it.

I was very surprised - was not expecting to.

You put a hell of a lot of work into this. Well done.

Could I ask how long did the shoot take?
Right on, man. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Even if you didn't think you would ;)

I shot the whole thing in two days and spent a couple weeks editing.
The first day was about a 9-10 hour shoot and the second day was around 4-5 hours.
Right on, man. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Even if you didn't think you would ;)

I shot the whole thing in two days and spent a couple weeks editing.
The first day was about a 9-10 hour shoot and the second day was around 4-5 hours.

You crammed a lot into that tight shooting schedule, great job. :)
The title put me off, but reading IndiePaul's comment made me give it a shot. And I started laughing. I knew those guys back in the 70's... I think I WAS one of those guys back then. Well shot, well acted, the only thing that interruped the 'flow' for me was the level of violence, but that is simply a personal hangup based on my life experiences. I was surprisingly pleased by it, enough to watch it a couple more times to make sure I hadn't msised anything. Nice job.
Thanks for the good words!
Sorry the violence was a bit much for you though.

EDIT: And now you've got me curious as to what you were like back in the 70's...
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Great video, I was also surprised. Is the camera yours? It looks great, and the editing in particular was fantastic.
Great video, I was also surprised. Is the camera yours? It looks great, and the editing in particular was fantastic.

Thanks a bunch man, I appreciate it.
The camera is not mine but a friend of mine has access to it along with the other equipment.
I normally film on DSLRs but now I'm mixing it up.

And thanks for the comment on the editing, I spent hours tweaking everything to match that crazy song.