Mega-Earth (Kepler-10c)

Pretty cool stuff.

I remember a while back a "styrofoam" planet or something like that - a very low density planet bigger than Jupiter but weighs less than our moon. Not much gravity, I guess........
Well, it's 40 day orbit puts it quite close to the star, probably making it too hot for water.

BTW, it says:
"Kepler-10c, which orbits a star 560 light-years away in the constellation Draco, isn’t likely to harbor life. It is too close to the parent star, and the surface is thoroughly roasted."
Well, it's 40 day orbit puts it quite close to the star, probably making it too hot for water.

BTW, it says:
"Kepler-10c, which orbits a star 560 light-years away in the constellation Draco, isn’t likely to harbor life. It is too close to the parent star, and the surface is thoroughly roasted."

That's very true.

I still have hopes of the discovery of a planet from another star will have undeniable evidence of a complex form of intelligent life.