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watch Longing: A Short Drama Film

Is that Tagalog or pangasinan? I don't know how to spell it but anyway it was decent :) If you wanted to be more professional you would not film the t.v. screen on you would place a video file over it and match it onto the screen so you don't get that deformed look but in this case I guess it wasn't too important to do that. I noticed it was a one man film so for that I give you props but the ending wasn't too realistic. Unless you showed like a hundred rooms and no way that he could hear his parents screaming and banging at the front door we assume the house is normal size and you would hear them yelling at your door trying to get. The story was good but you should have ended it sadly with him just falling asleep. Another approach you could have took or at least what I would have took was you have him call all those people and none answer so he spends his day bored. Then at the end of the film he is asleep and his phone rings and this time he doesn't answer so that way it's very sad. BUT with this said I did think it was pretty decent so keep up your work and keep making films!
That was pretty good!

What aspect ratio is that, and why'd you choose it?

From the description, I gather that you shot this alone? How did you go about planning & framing yourself? 600D has the flippable screen, right?

Only suggestions I have involved someone else on camera (as you fall partially out of frame a few times), but if you're all alone that ain't any help. :lol:

@Conner Kent.

It's Cebuano. How did you know about our language? In case you don't know, there used to be a heated debate on our national language.

Ah. So that's why I should keep a green screen. Thanks for the tip mate. I was trying to achieve what the feeling of "Everybody' Fine" gave. You could say this short film is based on that film. haha.

Thanks for the critique. :]


I guess it was 1:2.70 or something. But I'm sure it has 2 and 7. haha. I used a letter box template for that.

Nothing particular. I just want to try how the composition would like in that aspect ratio, and I guess it wasn't really helpful.

Yes, the 600D flip screen has always been helpful to record things alone. I even used it as a mirror, sometimes.

Thanks for the reply :]
Oh nice! I may not know all the languages and may not be able to speak them but I am good enough to know its Filipino :) I am 40% although I don't look at all Filipino it's because I got mostly my dads genes and he is 100% white haha. But my mom knows all the languages and constantly speaks them on the phone so I recognize it haha :P I think i'll show her this film she might like it but anyway, keep working hard and take care :D