Jurassic World

When I first heard the new title for Jurassic Park 4, I wasn't too impressed. But "Jurassic World" is growing on me. Sounds like it supposed to be reminiscent of Disney World... Interesting...

Now this concept footage has shown up:


So, what does everybody think? Liking the title? Hating it? Really couldn't care less? What aboit the footage? Obviously it's nottaken from the final film, most likely it's not even a scripted part, but it does raise some concern for me. I just jope this isn't like and extended version of the finale of "The Lost World".
Are there dinosaurs? Then I will probably have fun, and the 8 year old in me will LOVE it. They could call it "paint drying" and I will still be there. And if it's an hour of actual paint drying for every 5 minutes of dinosaurs, I will still likely have fun :)

Speaking of, I wonder how expensive it would be to get the rights to toy line (and brief toy commercial style tv series) Dino-Riders http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dino-Riders Seems like an easy sell...aliens with lasers who ride dinosaurs! Hard to cram more awesome into that concept!
Dino-Riders were my favourite toys. I, quite literally, had them all. If people don't know of them, look them up. I can't help but think that Rex from Toy Story is actually the Dino-Riders T-Rex. They even got the wheels on the bottom of the feet and the way in which his mouth moves. A film would be awesome!
Looks pretty exciting to me too. I thought Jurassic Park III was a pretty kick-ass film, actually. Yes, please make more good sequels. Bring it on.