Is my lens defective?

Whenever I take a picture on a person with a white t shirt on sunny day, it looks like the t shirt is glowing. Why is that?

I use a Canon 50mm 1.8

I'm no expert, but I'm gonna guess your aperture is open too wide, and so the white is reflecting more than it should. I haven't had this issue with my SLR, but it's smallest is f3.5. Perhaps having it open too wide (at 1.8) does this?
Yeah your lens looks fogged. Try and acclimatise it next time you shoot if it is indeed warm/humid where you are.

Also, white is not great because it's so reflective - try not to have your subjects in bright white clothing on a sunny day. A pola will help kill some of the reflections off the shirt itself.
Look into 'dynamic range' and over exposure for further understanding of shooting white and where both bright white and dark black in the same image are concerned.

But something else is going on in the image as well. Make sure your lens is clean, front and back end.
I saw this over the summer. We were shooting with waterproof cameras and if the humidity rose and the heat rose, we'd have the inside of the lens with condensation that looked exactly like what you're seeing. 100 in the shade with high heat index made shooting inside the woods almost impossible.