I don't have really much to say...I had a similar idea for a site awhile back -- I may give them a little competition. :)
Opinion: Based solely on the grammar in the first paragraph and the LOOK of the site, I'd pass.


Here's why: (and I'm totally motherfucking drunk right now, so excuse MY grammar)

From their "terms and conditions" (aka things we can legally fuck you up the ass with)

1. the moment at which the Filmmaker has indicated his/her acceptance to the Agreements and he/she has formally registered for the IndieMaverick program by submitting the Registration Form.


By clicking a submit link, you've just signed away your soul... Since no one ACTUALLY reads Terms and Conditions, congratulations, you've been fuck-ed.


2. Point: a declaration of faith in a Filmmaker’s success, and the transfer of the amount of USD 1.00 to obtain the limited edition DVD of the Filmmaker who has reached the Target and a share of any profit derived from the Film.


Faith belongs in poetry, not legally binding contracts. Plus, as a filmmaker, you now have to give every investor a DVD in exchange for a dollar. Cost price of a DVD = around 3 dollars, unless you're ordering in bulk.
As an investor, you only get money if the film is:
a) completed
b) turns a profit

Both of which.... rare... especially when done anonymously over the internet.

--- following the last point... ---

3.5 After the film has been completed the Filmmaker will be entitled to 30% of all net revenues and the Investors will be entitled to share the remaining 70% of all net revenues. The share of these revenues for the Investors will be split pro rata according to the number of Points in the Film that each Investor has purchased.


You're taking 30%, the filmmaker has to arrange distribution with the budget of the film and a bunch of people who went online and contributed a dollar are taking 70% of what's left from the profit, after all the HUGE costs of marketing and selling DVDs.

3.6 After the film has been completed IndieMaverick will be entitled to 30% of download profits generated from and the Filmmakers and Investors will be entitled to the other 70% of the download profits.


Filmmaker gets 30% of 70% of the download cost...

4.4 The Investor agrees to immediately pay the amount of 1 USD to IndieMaverick when purchasing a Point. Payment can be made by Paypal.


IndieMaverick will probably make money collecting interest on the fucking dollars.

4.5 The Investor herewith agrees to handle the payment transfer via an Internet payment system.


Indiemaverick most likely is a PERSON with a paypal account, and he/she doesn't know how to process a credit card order or cheque.

2. You must pay USD 25.00 to register each Film Project. The first 100 Filmmakers to register Films on the site will have their registration fee waived.


Gimmick. $25 per filmmaker, yet investors pay nothing... probably because there are ONE MILLION THOUSAND filmmakers online and probably TWO OR THREE investors looking for projects, LOLOLOL

3. As an IndieMaverick Filmmaker you’ll enjoy total artistic freedom - it’s your film. The Filmmaker’s producing commitment is to produce a film of any genre and of at least 60 minutes duration.


Investors may willingly/unwillingly fund pornography that may/may-not incluse: feces, barf, two girls and one cup, pee, toothpaste and animals....


Once a Filmmaker has officially reached their Target he/she is obliged to fulfill the producing commitment with IndieMaverick. An rep will contact the filmmakers (for films with budget under USD50,000) or meet with them (for budgets over USD50,000) to ensure the Filmmaker is not fraudulent and to assess if they can make the film for the budget they have requested.


If some stupid-ass investors ACTUALLY fulsill the whole budget thing, then you have to make your movie, or you fucking OWE us. If anyone is stupid enough to blindly invest over $50,000, we'll personally be knocking on your doors.

5. Once IndieMaverick is satisfied that the Filmmaker is not fraudulent and has the necessary skills to produce the Film, one third of the total budget will be released to the Filmmaker to commence pre-production. Once the production spend reaches the one-third budget allocated, IndieMaverick will assess the level of activity completed by the Filmmaker and make a decision on releasing the second one-third of the budget for production. Once the production spend reaches two thirds budget allocated, IndieMaverick will assess the level of activity completed by the Filmmaker and make a decision on releasing the final one-third of the budget for production.


If we don't like you, we're keeping the money and fucking u up your stupid ass, ass. Oh yeah- we'll also fuck the investors, because:

3.3. Up until the point at which the Target for a Film has been reached, an Investor can either withdraw his/her Point(s) or transfer it to another Filmmaker.

AKA: When we get enough stupid people to throw their money at us, we'll say the filmmaker is too stupid to make anything and then steal your money...


Even if it's all in good intentions, there's enough shady shit in there to make me want to vomit.

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Also, they live here:,+London+SE1+3AW&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

(click the satellite thing in the upper right, and you'll see that it's a house-ish structure)


Upon further drunken research, the site belongs to a "Shane T. Hall", an Australian Filmmaker.... hmmm...

I'd soften my argument from "Scam" to "Naive attempt". It looks like the legal department and web design team is the same retarded 2-year old.

LESSON: If you thought it was tough to "do your research" before making a film... think about how tough it must be to do the research required to solicit funds from venture capitalists!!! If you're going to run ANY business where you TAKE money, then make sure you're IRON CLAD as far as NOT screwing people.... even if the intentions are right at the inception- money corrupts.
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Spatula, I really wish I made that much sense when I was drunk. :lol: I hereby present you with the Intellectual Drunkenness Award (IDA for short)!

You made some really good points. I'm still thinking about making a site with a similar purpose one day -- if I ever do it, I'll be coming here for advice and feedback -- I'd make sure to not screw anybody like their site seems to be doing.
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I'm glad my site is creating such robust debate.

Firsly i'd like to say that if anyone has questions please feel free to contact us at, we are as open as possible and try and respond to queries quickly.

This is a completely new and as yet untested area of finance raising and will of course raise concerns and doubts. Anyway that we can alley those fears and doubts please let us know.

Indie Maverick has been set up by filmmakers to help other filmmakers raise their film's budget, simple.

To address some of the above concerns.

1. Once you click submit you are "f**ked" you've signed away your soul.

This is the furthest thing from the truth. The only thing you commit to is keeping your film on the site for one year. If your budget isn't raised then after one year you can continue to list your film or remove it...... obligation to anything after that.

If your budget is raised, good for you. You get to make your film. You have complete artistic control. You can sell it to whom ever you want. The only thing we ask for is a title card at the front of the film, a trailer that we can stream off the site to help promote your film and the right to download the film after any cinema or dvd run. We take no profit from the film other that a 30% cut of the download, all other profit is split between the filmmakers and investors.

2. Investors need to invest a minimum of $25 to receive a DVD.

3. If we believe a filmmmaker is being fraudulant or cannot make the film, the investors moneis will be credited back to their accounts less anything that has already been spent. We believe this to be better than losing their entire investment. At indiemaverick see the protection of investors as paramount. We meet or skype with filmmakers before any monies are released to assess if the filmmakers can make their films for the budget they have stated and are not fraudulent.

Personally I don't think a filmmaker is going to write a script, put up their crast and crews cv's, make short films and a trailer, maket and promote their film to get investors to the site and then run off with the money. Having said that there are people that just might so this is why we have the assessment meeting and we will be able to assess pretty quickly if these people are filmmakers or not and can make their film.

We are not 'scammers' as has been stated but are honest people trying to create a market place where filmmakers and investors can meet to help get more independent films made and distributed.

Again, if you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact us at the site.

All the best

Shane Hall
Filmmaker/Indie Maverick Founder
Welcome Shane! Good to see you chip into the thread here! We could use a little more drama though, perhaps you could call Spatula a foul lout or something else with 2 four letter words ;)
I'm glad my site is creating such robust debate.

You really like the word "robust", don't you? (saw your reply to film clip on youtube and some forum posts of yours tend to start with a "robust"... don't you feel a little weirded out that I know so much about you? God knows I do!)... alright.. I'm sober now, so let's address this properly...

Indie Maverick has been set up by filmmakers to help other filmmakers raise their film's budget, simple.

Which is why after some digging, I rephrased my comment to: "I'd soften my argument from "Scam" to "Naive attempt". It looks like the legal department and web design team is the same retarded 2-year old."

.... which is still rude as all hell, considering you've got the right intent, so I apologize, but still.... read on...

1. Once you click submit you are "f**ked" you've signed away your soul.

This is the furthest thing from the truth. The only thing you commit to is keeping your film on the site for one year. If your budget isn't raised then after one year you can continue to list your film or remove it...... obligation to anything after that.

Perhaps how I phrased it was harsh, because to some degree "clicking submit" has to be legally phrased as "agreeing to the terms".. but it's actually the REST of the terms that I find to be very sketchy!

If your budget is raised, good for you. You get to make your film. You have complete artistic control. You can sell it to whom ever you want. The only thing we ask for is a title card at the front of the film, a trailer that we can stream off the site to help promote your film and the right to download the film after any cinema or dvd run. We take no profit from the film other that a 30% cut of the download, all other profit is split between the filmmakers and investors.

By singing terms and conditions that give IndieMaverick the rights to a digital download after a theatrical/dvd release, I doubt a single distributor on this planet would buy the movie, considering that:

This is essentially signing on with a distributor for digital downloads... trying to sell the movie to a real distributor would be like asking out a girl on the condition that when you're done with her, she has to sleep with your friends. Since most distribution contracts require some degree of exclusivity across formats, signing on with IndieMaverick will most likely prevent the film from being sold. Also, if someone DOES sell a film (along with the rights), the filmmaker could be held liable if the distributor isn't made aware of the pre-existing agreement... especially if the distributor wants to host the film online for download!

Also, the "complete artistic control" is great on low-budget, self-funded shorts... but what this also means, is that investors could unwittingly end up funding something they might not want to fund... like porn, or hate speech or a sequel to a movie that the filmmaker doesn't have the rights to... since the filmmaker has COMPLETE artistic freedom, and Indiemaverick doesn't seem to provide legal council beyond "meeting" the filmmaker, this is a big can of worms just waiting to explode.

Worms. In a Can. Can of Worms. Or Snakes. whatever.

2. Investors need to invest a minimum of $25 to receive a DVD.

Read your own Terms and Conditions... I quote:

"3.4 After the film has been completed the producers will produce a limited edition DVD of the Film. The Investor will receive a copy of this limited edition DVD or a download of the film. Investors must pay for the postage of the DVD if they wish for it to be mailed to their address."

It doesn't say anything about $25 minimums there. It says they get a DVD and they have to pay for postage.

3. If we believe a filmmmaker is being fraudulant or cannot make the film, the investors moneis will be credited back to their accounts less anything that has already been spent. We believe this to be better than losing their entire investment. At indiemaverick see the protection of investors as paramount. We meet or skype with filmmakers before any monies are released to assess if the filmmakers can make their films for the budget they have stated and are not fraudulent.

So all you do to protect investor assets is to CALL or MEET the filmmaker? How about a background check? Previous work experience? Proof or documentation? Copyrights? Do you get lawyers and detectives on the case, or is it just "gut feelings"???
And you say that you only meet with filmmakers if the budget is over $50,000... probably because part of the film budget pays for your flight, right? Either way, I'm SURE that you've got the right intentions... but your Terms of Service are full of loopholes... so basically, we just have "your word"...

Here's a fun example..

I make a filmmaker account on your site for a movie called "Macbeth 3000: This time, it's personal". Let's say I get 800 people to invest $25 each... that's $20,000! The next day, I get a skype phone call from a Mr. Shane T Hall. Since it's under 50k, you won't bother meeting me face-to-face, but I use my phone skills to convince you to give me all that money.

NOW, since I've actually already made a feature film called Macbeth 3000 (3 years ago, for under 10k, mind you), I could just pocket the money and send you that film.. there's $10,000 profit for me, and the work is already done!

Of course, I have to now make 800 DVDs, so really, it'll only be about $5000 profit, but hey, at least i dont have to pay for shipping.. i'll just have to contact ALL 800 investors myself and arrange with them to ship pre-paid. Envelopes alone will probably cost around $1000, so I'm down to $4000 profit... but this is even BEFORE you've started charging for downloads of the movie on your site...

If I had spent all 20k on making the movie, I'd be $6000 in the hole.

Conclusion: Even if I scam YOU, I'm still not making enough money to justify this kind of effort.

Personally I don't think a filmmaker is going to write a script, put up their crast and crews cv's, make short films and a trailer, maket and promote their film to get investors to the site and then run off with the money. Having said that there are people that just might so this is why we have the assessment meeting and we will be able to assess pretty quickly if these people are filmmakers or not and can make their film.

Personally I don't think a site like yours would actually go to all that trouble just to rip people off, but consider this an assessment... and my GUT is telling me that I SINCERELY doubt that I would be able to fund a film from your website, let alone make ANY money back (I'd probably have to use the film's budget to make DVDs for the investors). I SINCERELY doubt that "investors" are out trolling the internet, looking to invest $1-$25 dollars in a film where they have to pay postage to get the DVD, IF they get the DVD... in fact, they don't even get credit unless they contribute 1% of the budget... so really, you're spending $25 on the HOPE that you'll be able to pay for Shipping charges on a potential DVD of a movie that you have NO SAY about the content and probably won't ever get wide release because a distributor in their right mind wouldn't pick up a film with a pre-exisiting concept.
And if the filmmaker GETS the money and MAKES the film but DOESN'T send out the DVDS, what then? Will you track down the filmmaker? What then?

We are not 'scammers' as has been stated but are honest people trying to create a market place where filmmakers and investors can meet to help get more independent films made and distributed.

Ok, so you're honest... doesn't mean that you didn't do your research. I've never even TALKED to a lawyer before in my life, and I can see a loophole in pretty much every term and condition on your site.

I also notice that half the films on your site are either yours. The only films with all the details filled out belong to you or your crew... and coincidentally they are the ones with the most "funding"...

Basically, instead of helping create a "market for investors and filmmakers to meet in", you're adding to the problem. Anyone with half a brain would see the problems with your site and probably come to the conclusion that obtaining funding over the internet in this method is worth more trouble than anything.


OK, look, I don't think I even need to continue with this...

It's obvious to me that this website is more aimed at getting investors for YOUR films and making a few bucks here and there, and that even if there are good intentions under the surface, the methods, planning and legalities behind the site are dubious AT BEST.

Instead of continuing this rant and wasting my precious time, I'll quote a few more dodgey lines and let people figure it out for themselves.



From your FAQ:

7.If I have already recieved part funding for my film, can I raise the remainder of the budget through Indie Maverick?
Yes, as long as this finance is deposited onto the film through Indie Maverick and there is no third party agreement that contradicts the Indie Maverick terms and conditions. THE WHOLE BUDGET must be raised through Indie Maverick but nothing is stopping you depositing monies already raised onto your film. This may be a good way of not starting off with a zero balance on your film. Just be careful if you have an agreement with a third party exactly what the details of that agreement is. You may want to consult us or a legal advisor regarding this point.

(so aren't you a third party that would prevent distribution through the regular channels????)

12. Can I take my film off at any time?
Your film must stay on the site for 1 year. After that time you may nominate to continue raising your funds through Indie Maverick or withdraw it.

(why 1 year?)

13. Can I alter the amount I would like to raise to a higher or a lower fee once it is already on the site?
No. Once the budget is nominated it is fixed at that amount.

(why not? what if you sign a "name actor" and need more money?)

14. Can I get contact addresses for my investors?
No, we are very careful to respect the privacy of our investors and filmmakers at Indie Maverick. Investors will be kept up to date with the production process through the on-line diary of the filmmakers.

(so how do u send them DVDs?)

17. What are the financial costs of the Indie Maverick meeting once the budget is raised?
Filmmakers that live out of the UK with a budget in excess of $50 000USD are required to include an additional $3000USD in their budget to cover travel costs. Either we will come to you or you to us.

(there ya go... $3000 JUST so Shane T. Hall can earn some frequent flyer miles... that's enough money to pay for a week's worth of shooting)

19. Do I have to include the cost of producing investor DVDs into my budget?

(so what if the budget is $2000 from 80 investors contributing $25??? That's 80 DVDs you have to make.. assuming the cost price of each DVD is $5, that's $400... which is almost 25% of the total budget)

21. What happens if I have budgeted to produce 2000 DVDs and I only need to produce 200?
This money will be returned to the films budget under contingency funds to be used as the filmmakers see fit.

(What if you budget for 2000 dvds and need to produce 3000? Does Indiemaverick cover the difference, or does the filmmaker?)

22. How much profit do I make on my film once it's completed?
Fimmakers make 30% profit on the film. Investors secure 70% of the films profits.

(Nope. Filmmakers make THIRTY PERCENT OF SEVENTY PERCENT) (of nothing)

23. When do I have to offer film for download?
This is flexible, though we would assume it would be within 1-2 years after the film is completed.

(How about never? And why not, if it's flexible? What if your movie becomes a "Blair Witch" and gets picked up from Lionsgate and they don't want the Indiemaverick logo on the front?)

From Investor FAQ:

1. How does Indie Maverick make money?
Through advertisements on the site, uploading costs and through interest from investment.

(aha- you ARE collecting interest! How about I KEEP my money and collect interest myself?)

3. How do I get a screen credit on the film I'm investing in?
If you invest over 1% of the film's budget you will receive a 'special thanks' credit in the films end credits.

(how about executive producer???)

4. Can anyone invest in films on Indie Maverick?
Yes, Indie Maverick welcomes investments from any parties from all over the world.

(can a Cuban invest in an American film then???)

9. Are there any transaction costs with investments?
You will be charged an additional 1-4% on all deposits via Paypal depending on currency and turnover?

(plus paypal's own fee, of course) (and it probably goes to Shane's personal paypal account)

12. How do I recieve the profits from the film I have invested in?
Once film profits have been forwarded to Indie Maverick via the films producer, investors will be contacted and profits will be distributed into their Indie Maverick accounts. This will happen once per year.

(in what order? first to invest until last to invest? spread evenly until the original investment is returned? does this mean I'll get a dollar a year for 60 years or $60 up front?)

15. When do I get my free ltd edition DVD?
You will receive your DVD after the completion of any DVD run but not later than 1 year after the completion of the film.

(what's a "dvd run"?)

17. Indie Maverick offers free downloads to investors, how does this work?
As an investor you can choose either a free download or a ltd edition DVD. Your free download will be available approximately one year after the completion of the film but may change depending on cinema distribution.

(you only get ONE download???)

See? Lots of fun shit to poke!
Is this even legal?

My guess is you have to keep your film on there for one year so they can secure the interest from your funds for that long. Your thousands are sitting in their bank account.

Also I looked into doing this a few years ago and met with a very prominent M&A attorney in LA and soliciting any US investors that are not accredited is not legal and can get you in serious trouble, not sure the UK laws on the whole thing but I am sure it isn't very legal for US citizens to invest so beware.
Spatula, I really wish I made that much sense when I was drunk. :lol: I hereby present you with the Intellectual Drunkenness Award (IDA for short)!, does that imply that in order to reach a higher level of intellectual brain activity, one must consume large amounts of...say...ripple? :lol: ...maybe my conscious decision to be a light drinker is wrong-headed in thinking....of course, when I am thinking it, I haven't been drinking...good grief!...

I'll be right back....(gets up, goes for glass of wine...)

-- spinner :cool:
.. ...maybe my conscious decision to be a light drinker is wrong-headed in thinking....of course, when I am thinking it, I haven't been drinking...good grief!...

I'll be right back....(gets up, goes for glass of wine...)

No Spinnerino, the drinky isn't what makes the thinky for everybody. But some people might have been born with chemical imbalances that turn substances into substantials when the red lights goes on and one places the thinking cap on one's noggin. Frankly, to think of nothing at all is the highest form of attainable thought- to be completely thoughtless is to know the true nature of the universe.

But a glass of red wine is always good for the heart!
Spatula, old buddy, old pal ... I think maybe you're putting a sinister spin on something that was probably conceived as a win-win scenario ... even if it was ill conceived.

However, I would like to offer a much simpler system. Anyone who wants to part with some money can just send it to me. As sure as I stand at the foot of the "Arc of Triumph" in Houston, I swear I will put your money to good use. Furthermore, if I just happen to strike it rich, I'll remember each an every one of you. I might mention your name on "Oprah", or maybe I'll buy you a drink. You don't need to sign any agreements, or anything. You can send cash, check or money order. I hate PayPal.

Now, Spatula, try not to be too cynical. I'm the official cynic, and I don't take kindly to being usurped.
