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I wrote a book instead.

In other words you're just going to follow hundreds of random people every day in the hopes they'll follow you back. So basically you're going to be a spammer who follows a bunch of other spammers, and who is followed by spammers.

No. Not random people, not hoping they'll follow back, not following other spammers, spammers are weeded out.

I think I'd rather try to build a real Twitter following that is interested in what I have to say, that I'm engaged with, and that might actually benefit me in some way (oh, wait, I've already got all that).

And yeah, saying the account has 65k followers when it doesn't even exist yet is lying. It's potentially fraud. And at the very least, it makes you look really, really unprofessional and like a scammer.

It's a real twitter following as I have already said multiple times.

No, it is not a lie, not fraud, and does not make me look unprofessional or like a scammer.

Ask around w/ people who use twitter promotional tools and they will tell you the same. Everything I said checks out to be true and accurate. Or try it yourself.

Also, expecting an editor to work for $300 on a self-published book that needs as much editing as yours is kind of insulting (I'm an editor, and no way would I take on a project like yours for so little pay, even if it was the kind of thing I normally edit, which it's not). There's no benefit to them to work for such a low rate. If you know it needs a lot of work, then why don't you try doing a few rounds of edits on it yourself? If you can get it polished more, then you might be able to find an editor who will do line editing for you for somewhere in the area of $300, if they're just starting out or only edit part time.


Advice taken into consideration.

Thf, since you asked for feedback, here's mine: First, you're not willing to fix your own mistakes and do all of the revisions for your book before you hand it off to a copy editor. Secondly, your marketing scheme is less than honest. I'm not sure why anyone should get behind your project, much less make a donation.

No guerillaangel, I never said I wasn't or didn't make revisions.

My marketing offer is not less than honest either.

Disagree if you want, but I can prove my statements to be true and nobody can disprove it.

I have facts, tried and proven statistics, thousands of other marketers claiming and doing the same thing, times and dates, averages. You can try it yourself if you're still confused.

Here we go again.

Every time you start something you abandon it. You tell people you
already have something when you mean you hope to someday have it.
You made the exact same claims with your documentary. You told us
over and over that it was the most moving documentary ever made. Not
WILL BE, but that IT IS. Yet you never made it and abandoned the idea
of making it.

That is false and I did not abandon anything. I don't mean to "hope to someday have" I can the actual number with statistics to support it. Download it and try it yourself if you still disagree.

“The twitter account for Please Don’t Be Real has over 65,000 followers”
does not mean “The twitter account for Please Don’t Be Real will someday
have over 65,000 followers”. You are smart guy and you know you are
deliberately misleading people and playing with semantics.

You are wrong, and I am right.

You're a smart guy too, so you should know that what you're are saying is incorrect.

I'll edit it to say "The twitter account for Please Don't Be Real gets 300 to 500 real followers each day which means your link will be promoted to over 65,000 people"

Then nobody can argue with it.

You registered the domain under a false name with a false address
using a contact number that does not exist.

Yet you want people to trust you and give you money.

I can't afford to pay for private registration. Nothing to do with trust, nothing deceptive, nothing wrong.

In fact (As in a true statement) many people use a fake last name at the least if they can't afford private registration, and a fake phone number.

Also on IndieGoGo in the perks section it says "All perks listed on pleasedontbereal.com" which is against their terms. As soon as someone contributes the perk text is non-editable so you honor what you agreed to, but this text allows him to accept contributions and then switch the perk in the end. There is no other reason for doing that! Dishonest and against their terms. He knows how it works since he's had accounts there.

This member also tried to post this under a different user account with a different name and state listed but I told him to use his original account.

I don't like where all this is going.

Since this involves asking for money I am tempted to ban this member to protect other members.

I'll switch the perks section and yes, there is a reason for doing that. I didn't want to list perks when there is no information about what, who, when, where, why or how on the indiegogo page. I'll list them anyway though and fix the perks section.

I didn't try to post under a different user account I forgot the password to this account -- if you look you will see I had to request it to log back in. When everybody read the book description they would remember who I was and know it was the same guy.

What's hilarious here is that you are trying to fake your way onto twitter. Are you aware of the market value of what you're pretending to have? It's not too high. Even if you had 65k real twitter followers, you would still have to make a truly great work. Otherwise, 2/3 loose interest. Then 1/3 of those people make it over to kickstarter, then 6/7 will give you a buck. The others 5.

So now you have

so around 22k left
/3 again
thats around 7
add the one in 6 that give higher numbers and you've got almost 12 grand.

So you've come up with this elaborate plan to claim via spam and website info,

That you're a guy with so much support, you could buy a used imitation rosewood panel station wagon.

Everything you just said is wrong, sorry.

I'm sorry to say, since I leave my computer on 24/7, my best friend and neighbor read directorik's last post. He said, and I quote, "If I was a cop I'd be calling in right now about a fraud investigation. Sounds like a con-artist."
Here are laws I found helpful to any law enforcement officials on this forum.
And if you try to come after me for providing these laws to everyone calling you out,

For some reason I see you coming after me thfdocumentary. I guess that's easy with all my personal information on the interwebs, thanks to my medals. So if you do, it's called military training, a gun, and a baton, and the fact that I'm a Nevadan. c:

Not to insult you, but that was wild sounding.

Fraud, laws, con-artist, coming after you, guns and military training??

There. I've handled criticism and corrected everybody's false statements.

I feel like a champion, a defense champion though.
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It's a real twitter following as I have already said multiple times.
Fine, then give me a link to the Twitter account with 65k followers.

Disagree if you want, but I can prove my statements to be true and nobody can disprove it.
Fine, then give me the real statistics that prove you have what you say you have. Now—not in 6 months—now. Because otherwise, you're being deceptive, or you have some sort of issue that prevents you from understanding tenses (as in past, present, and future tenses). Have=present tense, as in "I have this right now". If you don't have it right now, then it's not true.

I can't afford to pay for private registration. Nothing to do with trust, nothing deceptive, nothing wrong.
You can't afford $2-$10/year for a private registration? Really? You couldn't go scrounge around in your couch cushions to find an extra $2? I think there are even some domain registrars who throw it in for free.

If you have all these valuable twitter followers, why are you coming here to beg for money?
^ This.
Fine, then give me a link to the Twitter account with 65k followers.

Fine, then give me the real statistics that prove you have what you say you have. Now—not in 6 months—now. Because otherwise, you're being deceptive, or you have some sort of issue that prevents you from understanding tenses (as in past, present, and future tenses). Have=present tense, as in "I have this right now". If you don't have it right now, then it's not true.

You can't afford $2-$10/year for a private registration? Really? You couldn't go scrounge around in your couch cushions to find an extra $2? I think there are even some domain registrars who throw it in for free.

^ This.

You're still suggesting that I won't have 65,000 followers???

Deceptive would be saying "Yes, I have 65,000 followers right now" -- every single website would want to see the twitter page first before they donated. When they did, they would of been told the same thing I told you.

If you really think that I would say that I have 65,000 followers as a way of pretending, lying, deceiving, scamming or trying to make people think that I have something I will never have then there are places you can go to seek treatment. A quick google search will help you with whatever learning disability that you might have.

I'm changing it to "The twitter for PDBR gets 300-500 followers each day which means your link will be posted to over 65,000 followers (We weed out spammers!)"
You're still suggesting that I won't have 65,000 followers???

Deceptive would be saying "Yes, I have 65,000 followers right now" -- every single website would want to see the twitter page first before they donated. When they did, they would of been told the same thing I told you.

If you really think that I would say that I have 65,000 followers as a way of pretending, lying, deceiving, scamming or trying to make people think that I have something I will never have then there are places you can go to seek treatment. A quick google search will help you with whatever learning disability that you might have.

I'm changing it to "The twitter for PDBR gets 300-500 followers each day which means your link will be posted to over 65,000 followers (We weed out spammers!)"

I'm not saying you won't have 65k followers. What I'm saying is that you're saying you "have" them, which is present tense, which means you have them right now. If you don't have them right now, then you're being deceptive. Maybe not intentionally, but the end result is the same.

And honestly, if I were looking to sponsor a project, and they told me that they have 65k followers on Twitter, but provided no link and a quick Google search didn't turn up an account either, or if it did, they had less than 65k followers, then I'd assume they were running some kind of scam.

It's best not to put out hard facts until you actually have the concrete proof to back them up (and unless you currently have a Twitter account with 65k followers, you can't back it up. What happens if you get 10k Twitter followers and then get bored with it, become ill, or Twitter suddenly changes the way the following system works so that you can't get 65k followers with whatever method you were using? Then you can't fulfill the promise you made, and therefore you committed fraud).
I don't know why directorik referred to you as a smart guy, apparently he was being nice. I tried to offer you some advice to make sure that you didn't fall into the trap of misleading people over financial transactions (a torch that has been carried by everyone on here) but you have time and time again insisted that everything you've written is bulletproof. Therefore I must conclude that you are actually an idiot.

'The twitter account for Please Don't Be Real has...' There is the first and most important fallacy because THERE IS NO TWITTER ACCOUNT. The exact same thing is true of the Facebook. By all means put projected figures up (although no one will take them seriously) but you cannot speak about the Please Don't Be Real Twitter account in the present tense when it does not exist.

You are trying to raise money on IndieGoGo for a publishing service whose catch is that it doesn't cost any money. You have no information on the IGG page about the project and you are breaking IGG rules in order to try and trick people out of perks.

You have registered the domain under a fake name, address and number because, as has been pointed out, you are unwilling to pay about $5? Sounds very fishy to me. Perhaps we should start an IndieGoGo campaign to finance private domain registration for you?

I'm sorry to appear pissy but I'm not sure what you're doing here. After the reception your other ideas and marketing strategies received, did you not expect this reaction when you posted your new scam here? And don't try and say it is not a scam because you are asking people to invest in something that you have actively provided false statistics for.
I have been staying out of the conversation for a while and just watching but honestly this guy is a con artist. You should at least have some type of moral compass that tells you that begging for money by telling people about a twitter account, that gets so many followers to spread links to, that doesn't exist, is wrong. How does this guy plan on getting 65k followers and weeding out spammers? He's just coming back with answers that everyone wants to hear but I can bet that the changes won't come. Here I'll bet you 5 dollars thf... Then maybe you can afford to use your real info to register your site. And why would you use a whole new name and state to re-register on here if you lost your password? It, like most of your scam, doesn't make sense
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The twitter account for Please Don’t Be Real has over 65,000 followers

• The Facebook page for Please Don’t Be Real has over 10,000 likes
No Twitter account and no Facebook page.

It's a real twitter following as I have already said multiple times.
I can't find the link to this Twitter account. Please post it.

No, it is not a lie, not fraud, and does not make me look unprofessional or like a scammer.
Hide your head in the sand all you want. The very people you are
asking for advice and money are telling you it looks like a scam.
You will ignore them and then you will abandon your website in
6 weeks.

That is false and I did not abandon anything. I don't mean to "hope to someday have" I can the actual number with statistics to support it. Download it and try it yourself if you still disagree.
Where is the Twitter account? Where is the Wordpress blog? Where are the
documentary accounts? You deleted them all.

I'll edit it to say "The twitter account for Please Don't Be Real gets 300 to 500 real followers each day which means your link will be promoted to over 65,000 people"
With a link to the account? Where is the Twitter account?

I can't afford to pay for private registration. Nothing to do with trust, nothing deceptive, nothing wrong.

In fact (As in a true statement) many people use a fake last name at the least if they can't afford private registration, and a fake phone number.
You're right - the people who use fake names, fake addresses and fake
phone numbers to register a website are people who are scamming. If
you can afford to register a domain with a fake name and number you
can afford to register a domain with a real name and number.

At one time I thought you were sincere if misguided. I now believe you
are scamming people. I have reported your registration to GoDaddy.
Your project looks interesting and I'm looking to invest some money since I'm pulling out the stock market and dumping my Berkshire Hathaway shares. Are you still looking for investors?
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!

All of this over a twitter account?? You would think that I told everybody I had found a billion dollars buried in the woods the way they all say "NO YOU DIDN'T" lol.

Calm down people, I'm making the twitter account, relax. What, did you think I was going to just tell websites "I haven't created the twitter yet, I'm going to do it later" ??????????????????????????????????

They will see the account and the exact words "The twitter for please don't be real gets 300-400 follows each day. Your link will end up being posted to over 65,000 people (We weed out spammers!)" with a link to the twitter.

I'm not going to say "We have 5,000 followers on twitter) and then months later post their link to 50,000 followers. 5,000 followers isn't attractive either.

It's an honest offer -- anybody who says that it is not is wrong.

Not my opinion here. They really would be wrong.

Question: If you knew that you really were going to be able to post sites URL to 65,000 followers and wanted to offer that as an incentive, what would you say on the incentive page?????

That is what I thought!!! Hah!
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LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!

All of this over a twitter account?? You would think that I told everybody I had found a billion dollars buried in the woods the way they all say "NO YOU DIDN'T" lol.
NOW you're getting it.

Saying you have a Twitter account you do not have with 65,000
followers you do not have is very much like telling us you found
a billion dollars in the woods. Everyone would say "No you didn't"
because you didn't.

Same with a Twitter account with 65,000 followers that you do
not have. I'm glad you finally understand.

Calm down people, I'm making the twitter account, relax. What, did you think I was going to just tell websites "I haven't created the twitter yet, I'm going to do it later" ??????????????????????????????????
Yes. That would be the truth.


You could wait until you have a Twitter account that is growing at
300-400 follows each day before you put a lie on your fraudulent
web page.

Question: If you knew that you really were going to be able to post sites URL to 65,000 followers and wanted to offer that as an incentive, what would you say on the incentive page?????

That is what I thought!!! Hah!
You thought wrong. I would not make a claim about something
that may happen in the future. It comes of as deceitful. We are
telling you that over and over and you are ignoring us.

I know you won't understand - you haven't understood in the past
and you won't understand in the future, but when you make claims
in the present tense about what will happen in the future you lose

You did the same thing with your documentary. You said it was the
most original documentary ever made and people suggested you not
use the present tense because there was no documentary. You argued
and fought and screamed and insulted and challenged anyone to show
you a more original documentary.
I scrapped the documentary.
You abandoned your documentary.

You continuously ask people to believe in you and give you money, but
as soon as people tell you how they honestly feel about your claims
you tell them they are wrong and you are right.

Your method didn't work with three crowd funding pages and an abandoned
worpress blog yet you try it again in the exact same way. There is an old
saying about that....
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NOW you're getting it.

Saying you have a Twitter account you do not have with 65,000
followers you do not have is very much like telling us you found
a billion dollars in the woods. Everyone would say "No you didn't"
because you didn't.

Same with a Twitter account with 65,000 followers that you do
not have. I'm glad you finally understand.

Yes. That would be the truth.


You could wait until you have a Twitter account that is growing at
300-400 follows each day before you put a lie on your fraudulent
web page.

You thought wrong. I would not make a claim about something
that may happen in the future. It comes of as deceitful. We are
telling you that over and over and you are ignoring us.

I know you won't understand - you haven't understood in the past
and you won't understand in the future, but when you make claims
in the present tense about what will happen in the future you lose

You did the same thing with your documentary. You said it was the
most original documentary ever made and people suggested you not
use the present tense because there was no documentary. You argued
and fought and screamed and insulted and challenged anyone to show
you a more original documentary.

You abandoned your documentary.

You continuously ask people to believe in you and give you money, but
as soon as people tell you how they honestly feel about your claims
you tell them they are wrong and you are right.

Your method didn't work with three crowd funding pages and an abandoned
worpress blog yet you try it again in the exact same way. There is an old
saying about that....

Everything you just said is wrong.

You never answered the question though.

Question: If you knew that you really were going to be able to post sites URL to 65,000 followers >>based on tried and proven statistics and basic math<< and wanted to offer that as an incentive, what would you say on the incentive page?????

It doesn't "come off" if i re-word it to

"The twitter for please don't be real gets 300-400 followers each day which means your link will end up being posted to over 65,000 followers. We weed out spammers. -twitterpagehere-"

See. It doesn't sound deceptive or like a lie or a scam -- it's the Gods honest truth.

Well OP, if you are so dedicated to honesty in your investment proposal, you should tell investors that you are a moron. You heard about a get rich quick scheme on the internet (failed intelligence check 1) and now you want others to invest in you so that you can use a service that makes people rich via twitter. (failed intelligence check 2) And now, you are fighting a loosing argument with a crowd of people that you are simultaneously trying to get support from (failed intelligence check 3)

So at this point, you've not only called into question whether you have a sound financial plan, but also whether you have the intelligence to provide a good product at all. I wouldn't chalk this up as a win.

I am working hard to raise 300 grand, and I feel it's a real possibility because of the people I know with money and interest, but I certainly don't tell people I have 300k in cash. I have 130k in equipment available, 65k owned by me personally. And though I'm well past you, I don't put up web pages telling people I've already won the game, and they should jump in before it's too late. A lot of people do this, but it's dishonest nonetheless.

As far as the twitter numbers, we've done mathematical studies of how things seem to work. Not every random person you get to click on a link is going to stop what they're doing and support you. It's really a pretty small percentage. Those numbers I gave are approximations, but in general, saying that just a fraction of those showing an interest will pull the trigger and back you is quite reasonable.
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You never answered the question though.

Question: If you knew that you really were going to be able to post sites URL to 65,000 followers >>based on tried and proven statistics and basic math<< and wanted to offer that as an incentive, what would you say on the incentive page?????
I did answer.

I would not offer that unsubstantiated claim as an incentive.
When I opened a Twitter account and it was getting 300-400
followers each day I would say so. But I would not, ever, offer
as an incentive something I have not yet done.

I guess I was wrong. You still don't get it.

"The twitter for please don't be real gets 300-400 followers each day which means your link will end up being posted to over 65,000 followers. We weed out spammers. -twitterpagehere-"

See. It doesn't sound deceptive or like a lie or a scam -- it's the Gods honest truth.

No. It is your deep belief - it is not truth until it happens. Show us a
Twitter account getting 300-400 followers each day and you will be
proven right. That is if you do not abandon it as you did your documentary.

I'm not sure what you have won. No one here will offer you even $5.
I won't donate any money. You do not seem to have won anything.

What did you win?