I Want to Start My Own Comic Book

Hello, I was doing well on my future projects, but my "team" decided to leave me on my own due to school and other personal interests. Since I'm left with only badly drawn storyboards and half finished scripts, I was thinking of turning them into comics.

But since I can't draw anything, I was thinking of taking photos and editing them to make them look like animation, but I know I'm gonna have a lot of negative feedback if I do that.

Any thoughts or ideas, anyone?

Thank You for your time.

-Alexis Castellanos (MightyFilms)
I was thinking of taking photos and editing them to make them look like animation, but I know I'm gonna have a lot of negative feedback if I do that.

Why are you anticipating & buckling up for future failures? :hmm:

You wouldn't be the first to do this; pretty sure you won't be the last. It could turn out great!
Mixed media and/or photo comics have often been successful. Check out the work of Dave McKean; sometimes he does traditional art (Black Orchid, Arkham Asylum: A Serious Place On Serious Earth), sometimes he does photo manipulation and mixed media (covers to the Sandman series, Mr. Punch) and sometimes really sketchy just-above scribble art (also Mr. Punch, Cages). On the opposite end of the spectrum, check out John J. Muth's M. He took the screenplay from the Fritz Lang film, a bunch of friends, and acted it out with photos. Then he painted it, based on the photos. Beautiful book.

Okay, that's for the real top notch visual artists, let's look at some entertaining comics on the other end of the spectrum. For that we'll delve into the world of webcomics:
http://www.giantitp.com/Comics.html Stick figure D&D story. He's actually a pretty good artist working in the most basic style possible. It's popular (I love it myself) because it's well written, and the style is appealing. But let's face it, us non-artists could probably have done the early strips!
http://www.darthsanddroids.net/ Photo comic based on Star Wars screen caps. The concept is that the characters in the movies are being played by a gaming group (yes, I like RPGs). It's funny and really engaging.
http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/ Same guy, mostly staged Lego stories (he has several going on at once) as well as photo comics of himself.

All of those tend to be gag-a-day, newspaper-style comics (though OOTS has a really well developed through story and gets away with not always being funny). But definitely proof-of-concept that it could definitely work for you! The most important thing that all of these have in common is they developed a style (Mr. Punch shifts styles a lot, but in a consistent manner).

I'm actually in a similar but opposite situation right now. An artist (friend of mine) asked me to write a book for him to illustrate. It's been an interesting collaboration, and getting me to do things that I wouldn't have otherwise. So on that note, if the photo comic doesn't work out the way you want, maybe you could try finding an artist (flyer in the local comic shop and art supply store, look online in comic book forums).

Anyway you do it, definitely do it!
We just did something very similar to that. We have a story we wanted to film but we don't have the time at the moment so we decided to turn it into a comic. We used manipulated photo backgrounds, Josh drew the images of us mixed with some computer graphics. I think in the world of graphic novels anything is fair game and people are open to new styles.

We did a small print run and brought it to New York Comic Con this year and just handed out copies to a few people and had some good response. Now we're working on part 2 for next year. If you would like to check it out we formatted it for our website with a couple motion pages. Good luck with your comic and keep us updated I would like to check it out.
