I secretly do not want to be a performer/director/fire-dancer etc anymore

Wow, that really was a lot of words to say very little. tl;dr:

In most careers it's generally assumed that at times we'll be dissatisfied with the day-to-day work. In creative pursuits, however, we often refuse to acknowledge that same dissatisfaction because it is at odds with the notion that we undertake them out of passion, and we fear that by acknowledging it we give strength to those who criticize our creative endeavors.

I think once we strip away the flowery rhetoric it's actually a great point of discussion. We've seen threads around here where people talk about being unmotivated, etc in something that is supposed to be their passion. It's a challenging thing. It's also perfectly normal. What's the famous saying?

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Unfortunately it's complete and utter bullshit. Anything that's worth doing will be challenging, and when things are challenging there are going to be days where you're just not up to the challenge. The important thing is deciding for yourself if the end result is worth the struggle of getting there. As long as it is, you're good - but when you find yourself crossing that threshold where it's more trouble to continue than it's worth in the end, it's probably time to start thinking about changing direction.
^^^ depends on what you mean by "hard days work" :)

I probably had more "fun" as a hod tender on construction sites than I do working film projects. Doesn't mean I want to EVERY DO THAT AGAIN!