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I have a good idea, want to collaborate

Never mind maz, Giovanni, he thinks movies happen without screenplays. :D

What kind of story? Just a "pretty good" story? Not a knock-your-socks off, fresh, producers will be beating down the doors to buy it story? Why would I want to collaborate on just a "pretty good" story? Why do you need a collaborator? Can't you write well yourself? Do you have experience? Have you developed it and, if so, how far? Do you have a detailed treatment? Act i? Act II? What do you mean by "collaboration?" You give me a logline and I write the screenplay?

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JUST a screenwriter???


:D You know, I thought when I wrote it that someone would take offence at that statement :) The reason I thought that is that I'm also *just* a screenwriter, and it's the sort of statement that would annoy me too, out of context... :lol:

You know what I mean though: a screenwriter collaborating with a filmmaker is more likely to have real concrete outcomes than two screenwriters collaborating on something that may never see the light of day. At the moment, I'd rather collaborate with a filmmaker with a story idea and a view to making it, than a screenwriter who wants to produce nothing but another script to sit on my hard drive... I have my own scripts to do that :lol:
Why would I want to collaborate on just a "pretty good" story?

There are people who are looking for an opportunity to put together a film where the budget is right and the risk is relatively low. It's hard to screw up a pretty good script, though it's often hard to deliver a great script to fruition.

Anyway, I suspect that he just has a concept and wants someone to do the hard yards and turn it into a screenplay.
There are people who are looking for an opportunity to put together a film where the budget is right and the risk is relatively low. It's hard to screw up a pretty good script, though it's often hard to deliver a great script to fruition.

Agreed. My intention wasn't to be harsh, just to point out the questions a decent writer will ask before they'd consider any kind of collaboration. I understand not wanting to share his idea or concept in a public forum, but he's not going to get many serious responses to such a terse, uninformative post.