Hows it going from the Chi

Hey everybody,
I am 25 yr old aspiring writer/director. I am a total noob. I have no experience and I didnt go to school for film, theater, or anything even mildly related. I've always toyed with the idea of film making. I moved to Chicago 8 months ago from Alabama with no money to pursue big city life and chase my dreams. Instead I found a sucky corporate job which is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Now its time to go after dreams and make some movies.( while still working my crappy inside sales job.. I mean I still have bills right) I'm taking a class on video editing starting January 23rd and will be buying a dslr within the next month or so. I'm on this site to network and learn pretty much as much as I can!
Don't knock those 'shitty corporate jobs,' filmmaking is an expensive habbit.

Welcome to the boards! Whereabouts in Chicago are you?
Hey everybody,
I am 25 yr old aspiring writer/director. I am a total noob. I have no experience and I didnt go to school for film, theater, or anything even mildly related. I've always toyed with the idea of film making. I moved to Chicago 8 months ago from Alabama with no money to pursue big city life and chase my dreams. Instead I found a sucky corporate job which is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Now its time to go after dreams and make some movies.( while still working my crappy inside sales job.. I mean I still have bills right) I'm taking a class on video editing starting January 23rd and will be buying a dslr within the next month or so. I'm on this site to network and learn pretty much as much as I can!

trust me that's better than working at a store making minimum wage....but good luck with filmmaking.