How to create the perfect name... HELP!

Naming Your Youtube Channel... HELP!

THE VIDEO EXPLAINS EVERYTHING - I need your help deciding what to call my new youtube film channel! Without a good name you are more likely to fail online, so SINCE YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME, I WOULD LOVE YOUR IMPUT. The channel would feature lost of indie filmmaker questions, also (Tips, Tutorials, and Reviews)
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Epiphany => epiFILMy seems to be available.
Alternate composition: e.piFILMy
Don't want people thinking it's a skin (epi- ) is coated (-filmy) with something nasty site.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=4127f87725335d53

Film Riot
New episodes: Mondays & Thursdays
Film Riot is a how-to trip through filmmaking from the hyper-active mind of Ryan Connolly. From how to make great effects to following Triune Films through production, Film Riot explores the art of filmmaking in a way you've never seen.

You don't strike me as being hyper-active.

Your "request for help" and other vids looked a little off the cuff, just winging it, and absent razmataz showmanship. Indeed. It has been a long time.

And all of that is fine.
I think that if you want to provide a product that duplicates FilmRiot you'd better do a pretty good job of it. However, if you want to serve a different/neglected market there could be advantages to doing it unrehearsed and as a regular guy.
But a little MysterGuitarMan showmanship wouldn't hurt.

I WOULD LOVE YOUR IMPUT. The channel would feature lost of indie filmmaker questions, also (Tips, Tutorials, and Reviews)
Paying attention to your spellchecker might be a good detail since you have intentions of providing details.


Well i wouldn't be duplicating film riot, or trying to at the least. But I do want to make a film channel. I think your names are great but I think you should do something to loose the y at the end of film. Im not sure if it comes off the same way/will be pronounced correctly. I love the name though