How old is your brain?

This little puzzle popped up on my device. I'd like to think my brain is on the younger side, but I'm stumped. Maybe it's all that aluminum I've put on my underarm spaces over the years. Oh well.

I mean, I see the word cat several times, out of sequence in the T shape and counterclockwise in the circle.

Maybe I didn't spend enough time working out the significance of the letter and shape, or the different font and color of the text.

Keep in mind that many of the people making these apps are basically idiots, as evidenced by their claim that they could determine the age of a human brain with a single puzzle. Have you seen the thousands of these things that make claims such as "you have a 150 IQ if you can find the key" Then they show like a fire breathing dragon next to a lake, and if you figure out to move the dragon closer to the lake, it's fire breathing dries up the lake, and the key is at the bottom of the lake. That's not a 150 IQ puzzle. The one I posted with the balls is barely a 120 IQ puzzle.

But I'll solve the meta puzzle for you, the puzzle of what is going on with all these dumb ass puzzles.

1. The people making them aren't interested in whether or not you can solve a puzzle.
2. Their goal is to get you to click on their site, or make you feel good when you use their app.
3. Their delivery method is puzzles, but their actual method is flattery. You show a puzzle that a child could solve, then make some bogus claim such as "only 1 in a thousand can solve this" and the intent is for the viewer's mind to suddenly light up with "I think I know this, I must be smart"
4. After this, the viewer solves the "5th grade puzzle" (that's considered to be the average level Americans actually function at day to day) and is told that they are extremely bright and special. This produces a dopamine hit. This chem hit is the actual end game of the designer, and can be used repeatedly to form an addiction pattern in the psyche. If that is successful, then cha ching.
5. Now the viewer has created a positive psychological association with the target website. A place where they remember being validated for their uniquely keen insight, used to determine that fire dries up water.
6. People come back to things that make them feel good. An actual puzzle that most people couldn't solve would not make most people feel good about themselves, so you don't really see those in internet ads.

Gotta assume you were kidding anyway. I don't actually believe that an author can't spot the word cat in a word search. Or maybe you fell into the same trap I did, and assumed that the puzzle was far more complex than it was, since this wouldn't really qualify as a puzzle for one of us.
Also, if you want some real puzzles. I have a recommendation.

This is a game filled with well designed logic puzzles. They aren't super hard, but they are real puzzles, and some do require a bit of thought.

Here's another one, from a really smart guy who spends time handcrafting each challenge.

And here's one I really liked, for it's artistic and inventive nature.

That last one is really cool, highly recommended
2. Their goal is to get you to click on their site, or make you feel good when you use their app.

Yup, lol. And thanks for the reconditions. i do like puzzles that are at least, a little, puzzling, lol. The one above (you swipe the letters in the correct sequence to fill in the crossword) amused me enough to grab a screen shot, try and fail to solve the puzzle, and then post it. You do see ads like this frequently, getting people to think they might be smart, might have a high IQ, by solving insanely simple puzzles.

Reminds me, a little, of the YouTube videos that, in the title, defy you not to laugh.

Ah, I have it! The solution:

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