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Hobo with a Shotgun

Yeah, I'm not sure...I mean, it was bad, but it was trying to be. So it did a good job of being bad, so is that bad or good? As you say, they really nailed the grindhouse thing. I think I personally don't really like the grindhouse thing all that much. If it was the same thing, but add some supernatural/horror to it or fantasy/sci-fi and I would have been right on board. Personal tastes.

I didn't hate it though, and it definitely had moments I liked. I would watch it again, but wouldn't go out of my to see it.
I liked it, but I was expecting something different from the previews. More vigilantism. It had some awesome super messed up parts which I thought were just great.
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I can't wait to see it! 2 weeks ago, Wal-mart had Blu-ray and DVDs of it and I almost picked it up. The next week, they were gone. I guess they got enough complaints that the movie was pulled from Wal-mart stores completely. I asked an employee to check their computer and it said "Not Sold In Stores."

I'll get it from Amazon, eventually. With a title like HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, I must own this! Rutger Hauer is one of my favorite actors; I just watched SPLIT SECOND for about the 4th time the other night. "We need bigger guns!!"
Was it bad in a good way?

A little too self-aware, I thought, to really be fun-bad. It's hard to pull off...Lost Skeleton of Cadavra is one of my favorites ever, and they pulled off the intentional bad thing well. Again, I think it was a genre preference thing.

Definitely worth watching though.
I thought it was an overthetop and insanely violent movie that looked like it was filmed by a bunch of grad students....but that's exactly what it was meant to be, and exactly what I wanted it to be.
Without Rutger Hauer it would have been a total waste of time, but I really appreciated his dedication to such a ridiculous role. That's what won me over.
MudDoctor, do you work in the drilling industry by any chance? You know, making mud. I know its a stupid question but....:)
That's what i was hoping for, thanks!
I agree with DangerDigital and JoshL.
If you like crazy characters, over the top violence and old school splatter effects (no digital S**t), you should give this movie a chance.
I bought the British blu ray at play.com and I am happy with it.
when I watched it I was hoping for a hobo version of boondock saints. because thats kindof what the previews promised. And to an extent that was true.

I thought it was pretty cool that it was in technicolor.