Hey everybody

Not much for me to say. I'm from the central Georgia area and I like writing screenplays. I wish my life were one of some sort of zest so that I might have something more to say here, but oh well.

Hello and hello nonetheless.
Just Another Yokel said:
Not much for me to say. I'm from the central Georgia area and I like writing screenplays. I wish my life were one of some sort of zest so that I might have something more to say here, but oh well.

...Zest? There are a whole lotta sci/fi people who have never seen a martian in their lives! You can come up with something!... :abduct:

...and welcome to the board...

--spinner :cool:
I think you can by a bar of Zest at the gorcery store for about two bucks. It gets you nice and clean.

Welcome. Stick around here for awhile and join in.

I try to write whatever comes to me, but no matter what it is that I give a whack at writing ends up having comedic elements of some sort. So just for the sake of not wasting words, let's just call it comedy. Plus I used to do open mic stand up back when I was in college. If anyone would like a sample of stuff, let me know and I'll send it your way.