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watch Hey again people, looking for a critique here.

Never shoot 4:3 unless you have a time machine capable of going back to 1998, though if you do have such a time machine, you could undoubtedly trade it for a 16:9 camera
You're from Birmingham so I presume you realise that Birmingham's not in London, right? :lol:

I wasn't sure what to expect after the into video but, to be honest, I thought it was going to be more interesting. I liked the archive footage and the film noir vibe but the second video was just a guy with a shoebox on his head running about... I lost the plot slightly.
If you shoot in 4:3, you can always letterbox for the up-to-date look.

(to the techies: Yes, I know about the lost information thing, but heck, filmmaking is all about creating illusions. Its fun to fool people into thinking a image that was actually shot on SD 4:3 came from a $35k camera.

(ps: I didn't watch any of the videos . . . too many to choose from. Select your best one please!)
It's all one video in 3 parts. Not too bad, but definitely another "destination internet" type work.

It had an ok sense of humor, so that's better than most web fare.