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Help Us Raise Funds For Our Comic Book-Related Feature/Receive Perks in Return

Our Story

A fantastical ode to carnal desire, photography, and comic books, Zora in Desire is in the pre-production stages and Blvd. Du Cinema needs your help.

View the trailer here: http://vimeo.com/34297405


We make films because it's our passion and we make them by any means necessary (zero-budget, DIY, guerilla). Our previous feature NON COMPOS MENTIS was shot on a budget of less than $500 with impressive results. Even our Zora in Desire teaser trailer was shot with no money. Basically, get us an actual budget and we'll show you what we can really do!

Zora in Desire is an incredibly collaborative effort that requires antique clothing, astonishing FXs, and wondrous sets that we can't pull off without any money; hence we are raising funds to help finance our feature film our way, staying true to our vision by maintaining creative freedom.

Our Goal

$17,500. That's what we're trying to raise. Thankfully via Indiegogo.com: The World's Largest Global Funding Platform we can set up a fundraising goal and if we don't meet it by our deadline we get to keep what we have raised.

Any contribution counts. Really. We want to get this film made the proper way: clear location access, pay/feed our cast and crew, and go through extensive post-production. Plus we want to send it out to festivals. We want you to be a part of our journey and for your helpful contribution we will reward you with some remarkable gifts as well as weekly video updates documenting our progress.* Your donations would mean the world to us!

*All perks involving crew or cast members must take place in the Los Angeles area. Own transportation must be provided.

Please visit zoraindesire.com for more info.