hello from missouri!

I'm Jayson, and I'm a grip and effects guy from Missouri. I work with a great crew in St Louis, and we are currently working on two feature films, The Slenderman Movie, and an intelligent hack-and-slash called Rendezvous with Death.

I started off as a still photographer, and while I still shoot weddings and cars, I have gotten heavily into filmmaking. My primary focus and knowledge base is lighting and camera support, I'm here to expand my knowledge and to network with other filmmakers
Hi everyone. Am new, matter of fact a few hours old to this forum. Feels good to have such a community most especially when you are a beginner like me
So what's your angle, that makes it "intelligent"? :hmm:

Could be interesting. Welcome to the forums. You too, Deri :)

Well, more self-aware than intelligent I guess. The script isn't finished and I'm not the writer so I can't describe it very well other than it is almost a parody