Hello from England

Hi to you all from rainy england! Anyone else here from the UK??

This seems like a friendly place where I hope to share ideas and experiences, gain new knowledge and generally have a chat with people who have the same passion as me, film!
'sup, fella. :)

I'm not sure who our resident Brits are atm; lost track.

Regardless, we're a friendly bunch alright. :cool:

New poster here as well too. Good to see some more UK members on here, I'm currently in Oxford. It wouldn't be a bad place if it wasn't for all the students :D
Hey Fernando i'm also from UK, (Shropshire) Are you working on any projects at the moment? Also to be fair we've had great weather this week... its only today its raining... LOTS.
hi,..I have a number of scripts...done some directing, I need a film crew of sorts....cash a major problem (nothing new) dedicated people who will work for zero......ugh! but Cash in if we sell the goods!!........there is no easy route .......but I'm game.....