Hello! Filmmaker From Georgia

Hi Everybody,

My name's Geoff James and I'm a independent filmmaker from Atlanta, Georgia. Just wanted to post some of my short films I've made with my production company Cindicate Productions ( https://www.facebook.com/CindicateProductions) and meet some more Amazing filmmakers and film lovers. Below are my short films. If you have the time I'd love for you to give them and look and leave comments good or bad :) Thank you guys!!

The Future West - http://youtu.be/uDj2h_4OYUc Short film just released a few days ago. I produced it and acted in in. I'm the guy with the mustache.

Dogberry - http://youtu.be/mBCdz5BUJ3M Short film released January 2013. I wrote, directed, produced and acted in it.

Every Ghost Story Is A Love Story - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vim7qfv9QW8&list=UU7_1ws77Eq51LkNA6jEEwiA&feature=share&index=8 Short film November 2012. I wrote, directed, produced and acted in it. It was my first and very much looks like a first. It a little mumblecore piece that has heart.

I hope you like them guys!! Thanks

Hey Geoff! :welcome:

I probably won't have time to give these a thorough watch for a while, especially the newest one 21min is a bit on the long side.

But I skipped through the timelines a bit and you've got some interesting shot compositions. What are you using for audio? Seems there's a slight audio lag.. I didn't notice as much in Dogberry, but Future West audio seems to be about a frame or two behind the picture.