Hello All!

Maybe you should read your post again. 😆
Wow I missed it! I need to fien tune also!!

Laughing Out Loud Lol GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
I'm doing good. How about you?

Eye'm dueing oakay.

Sorry, I just can't resist, sometimes.

As a sound guy I always have to remind folks that:

Your project will only look as good as it sounds, because
"Sound is half of the experience"
If your film looks terrible but has great sound, people might just think it's your aesthetic.
If your film looks great and has bad sound, people will think you're an amateur.

Sound is the first indicator to the industry that you know what you're doing.

As an aspiring screenwriter you need to remember that, as filmmakers, we only have two senses to influence the audience; sight and sound. So take advantage of sound when writing your screenplays. I worked a few times with a director/producer - who also taught filmmaking at a local college - who says that you should approach your script as a silent film (show, don't tell) and then as a radio play (all sound, no visuals). Then you combine the two, using all of the now revealed visual and sonic descriptors to eliminate as much expositional dialog as possible.

I'm sure that the professional screenwriters here on IndieTalk will take issue with that.