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watch Haunted House Commercial

This was a commercial I shot for a local Halloween haunted house. It aired on the local Fox affiliate, but was then banned after a lot of complaints. My client was thrilled because that gave them a ton of attention that helped them raise even more money for the local charity they support. Gotta love controversy :)


Shot with a Sony HVR-Z5U in 1080/60i and edited in Final Cut Studio 2.
Dude, that looks awesome!
Congrats on the shockfest!

Could you give me hand here? I've aways wondered how do you get to shoot ads for local bussinesses without being affiliated to any advertising company. Do you just go around offering your services, or did someone offer you the job?
Thanks. It was a lot of fun to shoot.

We just network a lot in town. Go to film fests, help with other films, attend local events, use social networks, etc. Last year, we shot a short horror film. Our make-up FX artist (who we met on the set of another film that I was a gaffer on) also does the make-up for this haunted house. So, he introduced us to the owner. When he saw one of our films, he asked us to shoot the commercial.

Word-of-mouth is very powerful.
Nice, that was quite sexy, quite surprised that didn't last longer being broadcast on a Fox affiliate. Ha!