Has it really been a year?

Yeah - I think it's been about a year since I've joined this little community.

Thanks for making it fun, everyone. You've helped me out and I hope I've helped some of you out in the bargain.

Here's to another!

For fun: How did you find Indietalk?

I found it by searching for ADR specs.
Congrats on your one year anniversary!!

How I found it? Well I've been shopping around for a new camera and while typing in questions in google search I believe a thread came up for this site. This happened about a week ago or so. Since then, I've found out everything I need to know about DSLRs and today, not even 20 minutes ago, I purchased a T3i and a canon 50mm 1.4 lens thanks to all the info I've received on this site.

Now, all I have to do is get my audio equipment, and I'll be ready for my short film I'm planning to begin on June 17th
I spent almost the last year at simplyscripts learning spec format, grew weary of the community's fixation on screenplays as a be all end all literary art rather than wildly fluid film instigating premise point, having read & reviewed quite a bit of writer/director films and commentaries I started looking around for independent film making info because (call me silly) I actually thought screenplays were supposed to become films at some point - and I found you guys.

I hope I don't stink up the joint.
Maybe I'll just... stand over here by the side door, if that's okay with you guys and lady.
I spent almost the last year at simplyscripts learning spec format, grew weary of the community's fixation on screenplays as a be all end all literary art rather than wildly fluid film instigating premise point, having read & reviewed quite a bit of writer/director films and commentaries I started looking around for independent film making info because (call me silly) I actually thought screenplays were supposed to become films at some point - and I found you guys.

I hope I don't stink up the joint.
Maybe I'll just... stand over here by the side door, if that's okay with you guys and lady.

Dude, I love your posts. Always very insightful.

I found this place as I was writing my first feature screenplay, and wanted honest critiques. I wrote it following the "Save the Cat" method, so originally, I was kind of active on that forum. To be honest though, that forum is kinda weak, and I hate to say it (I hope none of the Save-the-Cat people ever see this), but the idiot/genius ratio is rather high at that forum. So, I started to google filmmaking forums, stumbled upon this one, and now I'm on pace to pass Indietalk in total posts. Unless wheatgrinder beats me to it. :)
I can't even conceive of what Indietalk was like before me... But it's only been 9 months for me.

I guess I Googled filmmaking forum. This is the top result. Mission accomplished.
I decided I wanted to get a little more serious with filmmaking so I googled filmmaking forum and BAM!!! there it was. The answer to all my questions.
You know, the amount of hits this site must get from Google is amazing.

I was thinking about it the other day.

Cracker Funk's Public Profile has 4,035 visits. He also has nearly 4,000 posts. If someone of that amount of hits and posts were to put an advertisement in his Avatar, that would be some darn good promotion! :)
Congratulations, ROC.

I found IndieTalk while searching for an alternative to my porn addiction. Now I enjoy both. :yes: Beyond all the technical information available and a place to post and view screenings, it's the core of really cool regulars that I enjoy reading or checking in with on a good topic. It's also been cool to watch some people go from point A to B and really find a love for independent film making. It's been an unexpected joy.
I found indietalk a while back. I registered, and introduced myself. The forums seemed kind of slow, and I got mad 'cause...what kind of forum charges you for visiting, so I left.
Time went by and I found myself back at indietalk. Before registering I thought that I had made an account alredy, and took a guess at the password.
After being around a couple of months I can now say that when I get my paypal up and running, I'm signing up for an account. Pretty much everyone here has something useful to say, and I hope that I can grow more into the community that the site has become.
I found indietalk with a google search. Because working as a composer means I spend most of my time working alone it's great to have this community I can visit everyday and talk about making films.
ROC, we should commemorate your anniversary by re-igniting the debate that made you and I brethren.

"Avatar" is awesome, and anyone who doesn't like it is stupid!

Long (and dull) story how I ended up here... but it's the peeps like ROC who keep me coming back. :cool:

Passion for the work, is where it's at. Thanks, Roc, for the insight over the past year. :cheers:
Indietalk actually passed another landmark: Yesterday, some time in the afternoon (US eastern time) the 20,000th member registered.

Like many others here, I found IT via google. I must've type something like: independent movie-making forum. IT was top of the list.

Before becoming a member, I lurked for some time, watching videos, following discussions, digging up older threads. I also lurked at some other movie-making forums. But IT is the only one where I ended up registering and posting.

IT is a truly remarkable forum. You will not find another place where members are so eager to help each other. The diversity here is enormous. You have seasoned filmmakers talking to 15-year-olds. You have DSLR enthusiasts, celluloid fanatics. Every aspect of filmmaking is covered, from script-writing to post-production not forgetting legal matters, etc.

To a sweet place for cinephiles! May something great come out of it.