
Hey everyone, my name is Brian, and I am just starting out in the film industry. I'm still in high school, but I am learning a lot as far as the basics and beyond, which is a great advantage over some.

Anyway, I am still in the preliminaries of preproduction, I am writing my own short, kind of a structured improv. for now since the crew I will be working with has good talent and we communicate well.

Anyway, I was hoping that you guys (and gals) could give me some pointers. I'd appreciate it, and I know I am the 5 millionth new guy, and it gets a bit old explaining things to so many different people, but I'd appreciate it.

My AIM name is Jaminme, so feel free to add me and we could chat sometime.

I am looking to buy a camera, but am not sure what I should be looking for, so, any tips for a decent camera for under $400 would be more then appreciated. I have been looking into a Panisonic 450, heard they were okay. Let me know what you all think.

I would like to find something easy to operate, and very user-friendly. Something that is easy to edit with, and gives me the best quality picture and sound.

Thank you everyone, and I hope to get to know you all well.

BrianEllis said:
and I know I am the 5 millionth new guy, and it gets a bit old explaining things to so many different people, but I'd appreciate it.
Never gets old! Our members love to help.
Thanks Indie!

Yeah, I love Chris Guest, nothing beats Waiting for Guffman, and, of course, Spinal Tap.

Mockumentrium. Probably the most genius (or, at least most creative) idea thats hit film for a long while.