Good idea for an actor to suggest ideas to the director while shooting?

I am acting in a director's project right now, and as we are shooting the scenes, I keep thinking of ideas for shots, but think it might look bad if in front of the other's if i mention them to the director. What do you think, good idea or not? If not than that's fine, just like to throw out ideas, when they pop up.
Besides, you should be putting all your attention and energy into what your job is - acting. That's what your being "paid" for, even if you are not receiving any actual financial compensation.
Yep. Unless s/he asks for it, it's really annoying. Feedback is appreciated on your actual job. So if you're rehearsing a scene and say something like "it feels unnatural for me to be doing x," that might be worth saying. But be careful doing so, and don't "help" them in areas that are not in the area you're hired for.
..... just like to throw out ideas, when they pop up.

Focus on your task.
And there will be no popping up of ideas, unless you find something illogical for your part.

(I'm impressed: there are ideas popping up in your head? Use that new skill to solve the problems in your own projects. ;) )
Once you've got to shooting, it's too late. The time for suggesting ideas has long passed.

Unless. The director has asked for ideas.
Sometimes it's a great idea for an actor to suggest ideas.

A lot of times directors will give actors a chance to do things their way if the schedule permits. First you shoot the scenes the way the director had in mind, then you give an actor one take to try an idea of their own.

I believe this is how the famous "I'm walking here" scene came to pass in midnight cowboy. I know it was one of those scenes for sure that was dustins idea and the director let him have one take to try it

Personally I try to give as much flexibility as possible, because I can't afford to pay anyone and I want to make up for that in other ways.
If it's limited to the actor's own role (as sfoster describes above), then I think it's fine, especially if prefaced by "would it be OK if I tried x?"

But the actor should NOT make suggestions regarding the director's work separate from that.
On a team job, its sort of... vital - that everyone remains strictly professional and focused on the variables of their particular roles

When I've had this happen to me (beginner actor arguing for their own shot ideas), it was hugely disruptive to the flow of the shoot. All of a sudden there are interpersonal conflicts on the mind, and the creative expression takes a back seat to the distraction

[the DP & director should have hashed out a particular series of shot set ups key to telling the story in the edit in accordance with the overall storytelling/theme - there are literally endless ways to shoot a scene, & without a singular vision in advance, the tangents can be endless..]
Trying a scene a certain way is very very different from suggesting specific shots. Saying 'I think it might be better if I said this instead' is completely different to 'you should totally do this as a push in, and then a steadicam track around.'

Suggestin different ideas for the way you act in a scene is allowable in many instances, and will depend somewhat on how the director works and the relationship between actor/director.