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watch Goan Dogs live acoustic video

Very cool-sounding band. :cool:

A lot of the video seemed to be not synched to the audio, though. With a buffered video, there's just a lot of material that is not in beat.
cheers for the feedback.

Synching stuff up was a bit of a nightmare because it was shot single camera over about 15-20 takes and they never played it the same twice. Were there any moments where you thought it was particularly noticeable though? I know there're a couple of bits where its slightly out but i thought for the most part id managed to tighten it up. Having said that, I did notice that the uploaded version seemed to be slightly less synched that the original, not sure if im imagining it or whether a problem occured while uploading it.

ah well.

we're planning on doing a series of these soo hopefully i'll get the editing a little bit tighter next time.

incidentally, I don't suppose anyone lives in or around Bristol (UK) and can think of any other interesting locations we could use? We're planning on doing more of these.

Just thought I'd ask.