G'day mate

Sorry about the cliche title, but I guess it's better than "Hello World!", right? Any programmers here? No?

Anyway, sup, I'm Michael, I'm from Brisbane, Australia, I use a lot of commas while typing, I recently graduated highschool and I'm studying film in 2016 (a while away), so I'm currently on a gap year, hoping to make some lo-to-no budget films and travel to Europe, save some money for uni, etc.

I stumbled across this site while looking for advice on video editing, and thought "aye, a filmmaking community, why not".

So yeah, it'd be great to get to know some of you, and hopefully there might be some members on this site from Brisbane, I'd love to meetup with some filmmakers and get their advice and expertise on things and maybe collaborate.
Oh cool.

So any tips on specific forums to visit to see what this place is like? Any advice a newbie should know about this place?

I used to make games as a hobby and one of the forums I was a regular at had a whole bunch of trolls and spambots and the likes, this place looks like a utopia in comparison. (side note - it feels better to write 'a' utopia rather than 'an' utopia? strange...)
  1. As is the same with uni, you only get out what you put in.
  2. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  3. Don't expect others to do all your research for you. Most particularly basic stuff. Questions like, "I want to learn post audio, what do I do?" aren't particularly ok (at least in my book) but a particular question on how to do something more specific, is more than fine.
  4. Be respectful.
  5. If you ask a question, have the common decency to read the answer.
  6. Don't get upset if you don't hear something you don't like or agree with.
  7. Don't be afraid to disagree.
  8. h44 is fair game. You'll see what I mean soon enough.
  9. Learning is a mix of learning and doing. Learn something, do it, learn from mistakes that come from that. Rinse and repeat.
I was reading through a topic before and someone (now a banned user) quoted the OP's post and changed their sign off to h44... I still don't understand...
welcome to IT. This is a great forum, not just for filmmaking topics, but good conversation in general. The regulars are all friendly and helpful people. Avoid all of h44's threads, otherwise you'll get sucked in
I'm thinking this has something to do with the user harmonica44? Maybe I should just wait until I actually get involved in one of that user's threads...

Thanks mussonman :) I've seen you around while I've been ghosting some of the threads, you seem like a cool person.

And hey Muskelchock, I haven't planned it all out yet, but I'll definitely be staying in England for a while (I plan on making a short film there), and so I'll do a bit of travel around the British isles, and France, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and Russia are definitely on the list. Would love to visit Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland as well if I have the time and money :)