Foreign students in Film Schools

The idea of Film School is very perplexing, mainly for the reason that it doesn't exactly work like other degrees in securing a job that pays well upfront - a condition that backs the repayment of massive debts in student loan. Yet, some directors have built or progressed their careers by joining a film school.

It's a dream of many foreign filmmakers to be working in the American film industry, and I could say I'm one of them. I'm amazed by the vast amount of talented actors, writers, filmmakers, musicians and artists from the west. I have been greatly inspired and influenced by their works in both mainstream and alternative genres.

I'm aware of the hard reality though. Tough immigration procedures and complete lack of foreign contacts renders me perfectly unfit to join an industry which is heavily oriented on networking and relationships. My home country does have a good film industry, but really not as diverse as it is in the west.

Now, I'm thinking how joining a reputed film school would affect my future. Is it really worth the massive amount of debt (P.S. I'm expecting a lot of 'Nos' to this question)? Is there a way for genuine talents to build a career and successfully repay it? How has film school degrees affected foreigners in the recent past?
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