For Premiere Members....


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
New Premiere Members,

Here's a filmmaking grant opportunity for you:

February 14, 2005 Inquiry Forms available (Performing Arts & Emerging Fields/Innovative Literature)
March 14, 2005 Deadline for completed Inquiry Forms
June 2005 Notification of results; applicants selected
January 2006 Announcement of awards

Now in its fifth year, the New York-based foundation has awarded more than $3.2 million in grants and supplemental support to 158 artists from 24 states and the District of Columbia. Creative Capital is currently in the process of selecting grantees in visual arts and film/video. Those grant winners will be announced in early 2005.

...forty funded projects will receive approximately $400,000 in initial grants.
FYI, I applied for this last year but didn't get it. No sour grapes, though, I'm always happy to see independent artists get funding.

If you do take the time to apply, make sure you take a look at some of the material they've funded in the past. My impression is that they are geared toward visual art projects and installations (not a bad thing at all, check out Bill Viola's work sometime).

The project I've seen in this forum which seems most akin to what they're looking for is Christopher's "The Date."
I would encourage everyone to apply. I did last year and made it through round one: Submission of Project proposal. Unfortunately I never thought I would ,so when the time came for my w-i-p to be submitted, the format my original (16mm with seperate soundtracks) was in couldn't be resolved to meet the next deadline:(. Be prepared to send in your work within about 10 days of notice.

I think what they're after is a work which uses either a (mechanical) technique in an innovative way or somehow experiments with classic narrative structure, anything which (pardon the cliche) pushes the envelope a little. Y'all should submit, if you don't,you can't win. :)