For New Filmmakers who want a 16MM Look using digital...

My friend here in Portland shot a short film piece with a PD-150 and I must say the way he uploaded it and compressed it and did everything, it mimics 16MM to the T. I also heard that shooting with a digital camera under $2000 and with the CA$H transfer it to 16 or 35mm you get a professional look it's just the green to make the scene. Anyway, here is his short:
it mimics 16MM to the T.


shooting with a digital camera under $2000 and with the CA$H transfer it to 16 or 35mm you get a professional look it's just the green to make the scene.


Can't really agree with either of those statements, really.

Film had no story, tbh. I read the side-blurb you had on the YT page. You lost half your footage, or sumthin'? Even so, there's just nuthin' happenin'.
I really know little about 16MM I use digital, I thought it looked great, from what he said there was a story line intended to be shot, but if you read which you did, he lost like more than half of the intended footage shot and experienced lost/bad audio. So I guess that's why he put short film "piece". I don't know, you should chat with him. I'm just trying to show people a very creative filmmaker. Thanks!