First Short film - Stop Motion


I am really interested in trying to get involved in showing my video at some festivals, if it's good enough?!

Also because this is my first project, and i have made it all by myself, I don't know what to do now its finished! How do i market it? Distribute? I'm a bit lost on a next step plan..... If there is one?!

Heres is the link:

Thanks for looking!

I think it's as simple as a "animated film festival" search + your budget for submission fees.,cf.osb&fp=5fd8887cc3ebdf49&biw=1599&bih=809

You should put just as much effort into figuring out a sequence + budget strategy as you already have for creating your piece.
It's fairly easy to spend a lot of money on festival entry fees alone combined with many festivals want "premier" exclusivity - meaning once it's already been shown at some other film festivals it no longer qualifies as one of 72 virgins.

Just as common sense and with zero regard for the merit of your particular piece shown here (and "no" showing it here doesn't disqualify you, BTW :lol: ) try for the free to dirt cheap festivals first and especially your local and regional film festivals so that you can attend and meet your immediate peer group.

Thank you for the Advice Rayw,

I have tried to join the website withoutabox, i'm not sure how good they are?! But it wont even let me upload my film!

I didn't even realise that you had to pay to be involved in festivals! But thanks, I will have a look at the cheaper ones!
Here's one that's free.

GIRAF Animation Festival


Deadline: August 1, 2012

The 8th annual GIRAF (or the Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival) is looking for Animation submissions, in all styles, genres, lengths, and mediums. Our programs are a strong eclectic mix of animation, representing the best of the medium from Claymation to CG. We focus on presenting indie, experimental, and underground animations that push boundaries through new techniques, unique visions, and stimulating subject matter. Our 2011 program featured visiting artist David O’Reilly, and 3 of the 5 Academy Award nominees for Best Short Animation!

We DO NOT CHARGE A SUBMISSION FEE, and encourage short and feature length local, national, international, and student submissions.

Animators can submit online at:
