Finished my show and got it on TV... Now what?

Hey kids,

Well after a year and a half of work I finally finished my television show and got it on TV here in Seattle. Surprisingly we've done well and have had a surprising amount of attention and fan support. So my question is, now what? Ever since I've gotten out of college my obsession has been to complete my television show and build the skeleton of a production company. Now that I've done this, I feel unsure where to go from here. The TV station here in Seattle is Public TV and doesn't really seem to offer many opportunities. I'm also self contained so I don't really know anyone else who's doing anything in the film or television scene up here. My philosophy has been just to do as much work as I can and get it out there, figuring sooner or later someone will notice me but I'm wondering if this is the right way now. I'm working on season two for my show and a animated short film for this summer. I've made up my mind that this is what I'm going to do with the rest of my life regardless of what happens but I'd like to at least maximize the most out of my situation. So where do I go from here?
I guess the question is, what are your ultimate goals? Make a list, plan it out, organize. You can do anything. The sky is the limit. Now that you have a television show in seattle under your belt, maybe try getting an agent and fly down to LA for a weekend. See if you can find work as a director on other television shows. MAybe producing, I dont know, cause I dont know what you want to do... But think about it.