Finding Investors

Hello, Forum

Does anyone have any suggestions on tactics to approach private business investors, or other companies pertaining to the things you showcase (i.e. electronics company for gadget review shows)?

I am also searching for someone to lease me office space, and have me pay them with film profits.

I am not business savvy. I've but been making films on my own and collecting all of the money. I would just like to expand.

Thank you! :D

Hi Cory,

I have some experience approaching investors but none on
leasing office space on spec. Maybe I can help.

You say you have been making films on your own and collecting
all the money. Do I understand that to mean you have made
money of your previous films? If so, you have a good start to
approaching investors.
Actually, I've been wondering the same thing. Do you just find a rich guy and knock on his door?

Okay, so there are some things I know I should do -- like have a solid, well-thought-out business plan ready, everything meticulously budgeted, etc.

But then once I've got that, who the heck do I approach, and how do I approach them?