Film Riot's style of doing action scenes.

Oh so that's why they do it. For my fight I only have to do a quick cut to mask a continuity flaw so far. I only have had to a make a couple though, and try to make them look like they blend in naturally, even though the cuts are way quicker, than the others. They look kind of choppy, but I don't want to quick cut the whole thing.

What you're doing can work really well. If you have to do some quick edits to cover continuity problems, you can really "go" for the quick cuts in those instances. i.e. have your normal pacing in your edits, but when you have to do a quick cut, do a couple of them at that point, and have them accentuate something in the shot. It can really drive something home if you're using the quick cut sparingly.
Check out this fight scene:

That was excellent.
I wish 13 Assassins had a final conflict that great. It's was pretty lame-o.

I've never been in an adult fist fight, but it looked like there were about fifteen opportunities in that sequence to break fingers, gouge eyes, spit blood and throw debris in eyes, and pick up improvised weapons to incapacitate either opponent.
Filmmaking is fun!
Here's an EPIC fight scene from the South Korean film Oldboy. It has virually NO CUTS!
I love that movie, and love how the fight was done all in one take. However, it does get 'just a little' boring, since it's all shot from the side. Perhaps if I were to do a fight all in one take, I would move from angle to angle live.