Favourite Credit & Title Sequences

Yes, I spelt favourite like an Englishman. Shoot me.

So what are your favourite credit sequences? Some people would argue that these are a fairly superficial part of any films but, sometimes, you see a credit sequence (start or end) and it's just so...cool. So post videos of your favourites whenever they're available and, otherwise, just say which ones.

These are some of my favourites:

Yes, I spelt favourite like an Englishman. Shoot me.

At least you have an excuse, actually being one. I usually spell catalogue, colour and analogue ...only the last one makes any sense for me given that I learned about synthesizers mostly through UK sources. The others, don't know where I picked up the habit (I'll blame Douglas Adams).

Anyway, a couple of my favorites:

And going into video games for a moment, can't argue with:
Casino Royale


The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Fincher's)

That Monty Python one still gets me every time... :D

I love The Girl With Dragon Tattoo's opening so much that I wrote a blog post entitled 'My Favourite Thing' and then promptly forgot about it whilst making this thread.

And I agree that the opening credits to Watchmen are superb, much better than the film some (including me) would say...

Any more end credit sequences?
I a BIG David Fincher fan. So in addition to Se7en and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo opeing credits, I'll add Fight Club and the CLOSING credits to Se7en.
The opening of Watchmen is just astoundingly powerful. Great stuff indeed! And another +1 to Holy Grail and Carnivale!

The end credits that come to mind (other than those that just use a song I really like) are Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (leave me alone, I love that movie!) You of course have seen the former, and I couldn't find the latter on youtube when I looked.

Oh, and the end of Deliverance, which overlaps with the credits, is astoundingly creepy.
Just saw "John Carter 3D", the ending titles were really visually cool. I also have enjoyed the Monty Python intro... and the Harry potter stuff that followed footsteps through the map. And the Sherlock holmes ones (new film) with the old papery looking stuff.