Fascinating review of No Country for Old Men

Seems like a political site…or something.

That would certainly be one way to put it...

As for the reviews, they're certainly interesting from the standpoint of understanding the extent to which 'meaning' in a work is largely a product of the viewer, rather than the author. As far as whether they accurately reflect the films they address - well, I guess that again depends largely on your own experiences, beliefs and position as a reader of the reviews. I will say the author seems to lack an awareness of their own position as works of interpretation grounded in a particular worldview, but I suppose that may simply be an inevitable side effect of an adherence to that point of view and their role as content for the particular site.
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The 'No Country...' review reveals a lot more about the writer of the review than it does about the film/book.

I'm fairly familiar with Cormac McCarthy's writing, and I'd be very surprised if he intended it to mean what the reviewer suggests.

Then again, the reviewer does finish by warning us not to believe McCarthy (the author of the book) if he disagrees with him anyway, because '...the Irish are master liars.'

I'm half-Irish myself, and I can confirm we lie no more or less effectively than any other race.

Or am I lying...?