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Fantastic read for the screewriter.

I just read (most of) The Tools of Screenwriting by David Howard and Edward Mabley. I recommend it to anyone and everyone who is writing a screenplay. I knew quite a bit about storytelling already from being a English guy in school, but I learned quite a bit from this read, and I believe that it would help people write good screenplays.

Also, it should be noted that I got this book from a website called Scribd completely free of charge. (As well as several other books.)

I'm a beginner, but hey the more I read, the more I understand that this is EXACTLY what I want to do with my life, and HOW to be proficient at creating films. So now I pass this on to you all.

Dig it ;)

I have like 26 irons in the fire, and I'm juggling 6 plates at the moment, but when I get a chance to breath I'll check it out. It's cool you found something that connected with your writing mind, and great that you decided to share it.

Definitely check out the Scribd thing then. You get free access for 24 hours by uploading anything pretty much and then the book is a free download.
I also found some pretty nifty DIY plans for a steadicam system on Scribd.
Give me 24 hours and I'll download a library :lol:

Hey , if they open the door, you need only walk through.